Shoot of Triticum aestivum Linn. Triticum aestivum L. (wheatgrass) and Hordeum vulgare L. (barley grass) are functional foods with numerous pharmacological properties. [1] Free PDF. Portères, 1958: 311–45. Introduction Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.; Poaceae) is one of the major cereal crops worldwide; its grain is energy-rich owing to the high carbohydrate content and is a rich source of nutrients, including proteins, minerals, and dietary fiber [1]. Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn. Download PDF Package. Albino rats (200-250) were used as experimental animals. A short summary of this paper. Rahmatullah Qureshi. Wheat germ is also used for its minerals, proteins and lipid contents. Create a free account to download. extracted using acidified water, 70 % acetone and 70 % ethanol as compared to uninoculated control. PDF. Family: Poaceae: Plant Stage: Reproductive: Place of collection: Akhnoor: Altitude (m)-----Date of Collection: 23-02-1952: Accession No. Jap. Download with Google Download with Facebook. Triticum aestivum Linn. Products: $TOGO ~HAUSA alfintar, alkaki, alkubus, bashi, dashishi, dawúde, fankaso, funkaso, kuskus food preparations (JMD) algaragi cakes boiled in oil and seasoned with tamarind and natron (JMD) algaragis a food without oil (JMD) gurasa baked buns with seasoning (JMD) kirikirino a product like macaroni (JMD) rauno the straw chopped up and mixed with clay for building (JMD) tuwon бaure a finely ground flour with butter (JMD)References:1. Miège, 1963: 335. 17, pp. In the present study we intended to screen possible chemical groups and the antimicrobial potential of methanolic extracts of ten days mature whole plants of T. aestivum Linn. Burkill, H.M. 1985. Triticum aestivum Linn. Accessed February 2018. is a common wheat plant which have been used as traditional herbal medicine and is highly valued for its therapeutic and nutritional properties. The plant is commonly known as Wheat grass which is used for various medicinal and health benefits for many years. Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) is a major global cereal grain essential to human nutrition. Ende 2003 sind diese drei Getreidearten nahezu gleichauf in der Weltproduktion (jeweils rund 600 Mio t im Schnitt der Jahre 1998-2003, Weizen 582 Mio t, Reis 590 Mio t, Mais 613 Mio t). Ende 2003 sind diese drei Getreidearten nahezu gleichauf in der Weltproduktion (jeweils rund 600 Mio t im Schnitt der Jahre 1998-2003, Weizen 582 Mio t, Reis 590 Mio t, Mais 613 Mio t). By 3,000 B.C. Join now. (wheat grass) (wheat grass) By Priyabrata Das (547121), Soma Mukhopadhyay (547122), Suvra Mandal (547123), Abhijit Chakraborty (547124), Amartya Pal (547125), Nirmal Kumar Sarkar (547126) and Ashis Mukhopadhyay (547127) Shoot of TRITICUM AESTIVUM Linn. Lev-Yadun S, Gopher A, Abbo S (2000) The cradle of agriculture. durum. PDF. [family POACEAE] Common names. Access is allocated within two business days of purchase and lasts one year. Premium PDF Package. Last Updated on Tue, 15 Dec 2020 | Medicinal Uses. or. PDF. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. 13851: Total Accessions: 4: Shelf Placement Cup-Board No./ Pigeon hole No. Bachir DG(1), Saeed I(2), Song Q(1), Linn TZ(1), Chen L(1), Hu YG(3). (wheat grass) belonging to the Gramineae family, is widely cultivated almost all over the world. Wheat was one of the first cereals to be domesticated, originating in the fertile crescent around 7000 years ago. All Rights Reserved. 5-noded; nodes glabrous. Science 288(5471):1602–1603 PubMed CrossRef Google Scholar. Triticum aestivum Linn., Sp. 7. Family Name: Poaceae. In adult rats, addition of wheat germ (7%) to a high fat (cholesterol) diet significantly decreased VLDL-cholesterol and VLDL-triglycerides and increased the HDL-cholesterol after-7 weeks of feeding. It is considered as a cleansing and purifying agent from ancient times and yet can be used for its healing properties because of its nutritional values. Among them, flavonoids have attracted significant interest owing to their various health-promoting properties. intercropping systems were investigated for three years in Hetian arid area, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwest of China.The results showed that the density of soil nematodes in jujube orchards became larger when wheat was planted … ), family Solanaceae. The plant is commonly known as Wheatgrass which is used for various medicinal and health benefits for many years. Part of Springer Nature. And in Hindi it is called as gehun kanak, and in Sanskrit it is known as gohuma and in English it is known as wheat grass. Pl. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a widely consumed staple crop and essential component of a healthy whole-grain diet. Floristic List of Weeds of Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Cultivated as a food crop mainly in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh., Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and Rajasthan. 1: 85. or. PDF. (For example, researchers are often granted access through their affiliation with a university library. is a common wheat plant which have been used as traditional herbal medicine and is highly valued for its therapeutic and nutritional properties. ); or wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn. (Hindi Name- gehun, kanak, Sanskrit name- godhuma) is called as a wheat grass, belonging to family: Gramineae, which posses high chlorophyll content and essential vitamins, minerals, vital enzymes, amino acids, dietary fibers. : Polysaccharide, wie Stärke, Cellulose, fettes Öl, Proteine, Lignin, Alkylresorcinole. godhuma : Taxonomical Classification Family: Poaceae VERNACULAR NAMES English: wheat, beardless wheat Synonyms Synonyms in Ayurveda: godhuma, yavanaka, madhulika, nistusa, sumana, badhudugdha, svapupa, mlecchabhojana, ksiri, rasala, mandi mukhi . Das P(1), Mandal S(1), Gangopadhyay S(1), Das K(2), Mitra AG(3), Dasgupta S(1), Mukhopadhyay S(1), Mukhopadhyay A(1). rhizosphere soil under monoculture and jujube/wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Acute toxicity test of a natural iron chelator and an antioxidant, extracted from Triticum aestivum Linn. Golding & Gwynne, 1939: 631–43. 小麦 xiao mai Culms hollow, 60–130(–150) cm tall, ca. Habit/Habitat: A cultivated annual herb, cultivated in fertile loamy soil. (Wheat Grass) in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases: an overview. Gujar PD(1), Bhavsar KP, Khire JM. belonging to the family Poaceae. The wheat grass (T. aestivum Linn.) godhuma - Triticum aestivum Linn. French blé. Antioxidative and anticarcinogenic activities of methylpheophorbide a, isolated from wheat grass (Triticum aestivum Linn.). U.S. Weed Information; Triticum aestivum . Ihr Herkunftsgebiet ist der vordere Orient. Ask your question. Dalziel, 1937: 550, under T. durum Desf. Determination of weed communities in wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Indigenous cultivars ripen in 50–55 days and yield is low. 1753. Anti-diabetic, Haematinic and Anti-cholesterolmic Effects of Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) doi: 10.4103/0973-1296.224309. Crop. Download PDF Package. ABSTRACT: The plant selected for the activity is obtained from the ninth day young leaves of Triticum aestivum Linn. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago. Weizen war lange Jahre das meistangebaute Getreide der Welt, wurde dann aber im Laufe der 90er Jahre von Reis und Mais eingeholt. An annual herb sending up a clump of culms to about 50 cm high bearing bearded or not bearded spikes, of the soudanian zone in Mauritania, Mali and N Nigeria, and cultivated as the common bread wheat in all temperate countries of the world.Wheat has evolved in the NE African/Mesopotamian evolutionary area. Download Free PDF. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA., 2006. Author information: (1)State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100, China. Weichweizen (Triticum aestivum), auch als Brotweizen oder Saat-Weizen bezeichnet, ist eine Pflanzenart innerhalb der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae). Ayurvedic Formulations: Common Ayurvedic Formulations of godhuma with their Indications … Anw. (run) in Methanol Band I Band B H3B03 Compound Alone NaOEt AIC1, Na-Acetate Alone Na-Acetate Triticum C-Glycosylflavones: 1 348 406 387 377 271 258 275 2 349 403 393 374 271 258 270 2 (Hydrolysed) 349 403 388 377 271 … This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Juice of T. aestivum: Firstly, T. aestivum was cleaned and extract the juice. and Hordeum vulgare (Linn.) [family POACEAE] Common names. Rahmatullah Qureshi. ); rice (Oryza sativa Linn. 1:85. 4 Triticum aestivum L., Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica,, 2015 Accessed February 2018. Synonyms = Triticum vulgare Vill. Irvine, 1948: 264–5, as T. vulgare. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as early as 10,000 years ago. 9. What do the first two parts of … Full access to these resources typically requires affiliation with a partnering organization. 1753. Most of tropical, as well as, sub-tropical countries prepare starch commercially. (wheat grass) Natural Product Research: Vol. T. aestivum Linn, common or Bread wheat is widely cultivated almost all over the world. 2.0 2.1; Gikan sa gawas nga tinubdan. Log in. Shoot of Triticum aestivum Linn. Join now. Web. MALI: ARABIC (Mali) gemah (JMD) MANDING-BAMBARA halkama (JMD) SONGHAI halkama (JMD) TAMACHEK ihered, ired (JMD) timzin but more usually refers to Hordeum (JMD) TOGO: KANURI luwaidu a food preparation (JMD) NIGERIA: … Aestivum = Sommer. Pagka karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya. and its potential for use as a soil amendment. Die hexaploide Getreideart Weichweizen ist eine der ältesten Kulturpflanzen und entstand vor rund 9000 Jahren durch Kreuzung von tetraploidem Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) und diploidem Ziegengras (Aegilops tauschii). ), ebenfalls hexaploid, wird als spezielles Brotgetreide begrenzt angebaut. Cerebroprotective Actions of Triticum aestivum Linn Powder and Bauhinia purpurea Flower Powder in Surgically Induced Cerebral Infraction in Rats Pharmacogn Mag. This paper. belonging to family Gramineae. 28, No. 71. Espesye sa balili ang Triticum aestivum. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. [family POACEAE] Triticum durum Desf. It is traded in markets being no longer a rich man’s crop owing to imports of flour and extended cultivation (1–6, 8). Create a free account to download. 2.0 2.1; Gikan sa gawas nga tinubdan. albinflatocapitatum Frumentum triticum E.H.L.Krause. Objective: The present study was done to observe the effect of wheatgrass juice on serum HDL-cholesterol on experimentally induced dyslipidaemic rats evident by reduced HDL-cholesterol level. common wheat . PDF. Local Name/ Kank, Ghandum, Ghanum/Wheat. Crop. Grass Juice Metabolites to Cure Alloxan Monohydrate induced type-1 Diabetes in Albino Rats. intercropping systems were investigated for three years in Hetian arid area, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwest of China.The results showed that the density of soil nematodes in jujube orchards became larger when wheat was planted … & T. vulgare Vill. ~ 1 ~ International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science 2020; 1(1): 01-04 E-ISSN: 2707-2835 P-ISSN: 2707-2827 IJPLS 2020; 1(1): 01-04 Received: 02-11-2019 Accepted: 05-12-2019 Distribution: It is commonly cultivated throughout Pakistan and the. Dinkel oder Spelz (Triticum aestivum subsp. W Wheat grass is a grass which consists of carbohydrates, vitamin, all essential minerals. Taiwan 5: 460. ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. 8. Triticum aestivum L. – common wheat Subordinate Taxa. Wheat germ contains haemagglutinating and antipyretic factors, but these are destroyed by toasting. Pagka karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya. Barley (Hordeum vulgare), a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally. Soil nematode community in jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Shoot of Triticum aestivum Linn. A variety of food preparations is commonly made by Hausa - see above for vernacular names.Wheat straw is compounded with clay as a standard building material (1). Triticum aestivum Linn. Espesye sa balili ang Triticum aestivum. Zeven, 1980: 40–41. Next in importance is the macaroni wheat, T durum Desf., which is the predominant species in Central and Western India. Not affiliated Triticum aestivum Linn. Status: Common. Die ersten von Menschen angebauten Weizenarten waren Einkorn und Emmer. Juice of T. aestivum: Firstly, T. aestivum was cleaned and extract the juice. Bran oil contains tocopherols, but major... Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Ang mga gi basihan niini. (a)Give the common name of the plant(b) What do the first two words of the name indica… Die Gattung Triticum wurde 1753 durch Carl von Linné aufgestellt. ; Poaceae), one of the most popular food crops worldwide, contains basic and essential nutrients and various health benefiting phytochemicals. (2014). grass juice used for present investigation. (Hindi Name- gehun, kanak, Sanskrit name- godhuma) is called as a wheat grass, belonging to family: Gramineae. grass juice used for present investigation. Furfur tritici (syn. The present study has been conducted to evaluate the antioxidant properties of fermented wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Not logged in 1978; Koyama, Grass. Free PDF. Int J Mol Med 29(5):913–919 PubMed Google Scholar. Hsu, Fl. PDF. : äußerlich als Kleie-Bad zur unterstützenden Behandlung bei juckenden und entzündlichen Dermatosen, z.B. 30/f: Remarks: Culms hollow, 60-130(-150) cm tall, ca. 5. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Dr. Kumari Shachi, Dr. Nayan Kumar Prasad, Dr. N. K. Dubey, Dr. Usha Dubey Introduction: From time immemorial therapeutic potential of Triticum aestivum grass is known. Inter J of Pharmaceutic Sci and Drug Research 2012; 4(1): 10-14. Triticum-aestivum-Kleie); Weizenkleie, die Fruchtwand, Samenschale und Randschichten vom Endosperm des Weizenkorns. Generally, 15-20 species are recognized, of … belonging to the family Poaceae. It is unique therapy. ), If you have an institutional affiliation that provides you access, try logging in via your institution. Germ proteins are rich in lysine (5.28–5.55 g/100 g protein) and possess high biological value (94%) and protein efficiency ratio (2.9). (Hindi Name- gehun, kanak, and Sanskrit name- godhuma) is called as a Wheat grass, belonging to family: Gramineae, which possess high chlorophyll content and essential vitamins, minerals, vital enzymes, amino acids, dietary fibers [11]. in rabbit receiving high fat diet. Of these Triticum aestivum Linn., commonly known as bread wheat, occupies the largest area and is mainly grown in the northern regions. Ihr Herkunftsgebiet ist der vordere Orient. Effect of Light on Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) Competition - Volume 8 Issue 1 - Claudio M. Ghersa, Maria A. Martinez-Ghersa, Jorge J. Casal, Miriam Kaufman, Mary Lynn Roush, Victor A. Deregibus 1. Epub 2018 Jan 31. This plant has no children Legal Status. It was obtained from the local crop field of Darbhanga, India. Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn. Log in. (2014). Soil nematode community in jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) rhizosphere soil under monoculture and jujube/wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) 1987. Of the 18 recognized species under the genus Triticum, five are cultivated in India. Germ proteins are rich in lysine (5.28–5.55 g/100 g protein) and possess high biological value (94%) and protein efficiency ratio (2.9). Neighb. (wheat grass) Natural Product Research: Vol. Wheat has entered N Nigeria under the Hausa: alkámàà, from Old Egyptian: qemhu meaning ‘nourishment’, with the definitive Arabic prefix (7), and similarly into adnate W African languages.Wheat is grown for its grain in N Nigeria as a wet season crop, or under irrigation in the dry season. - Poaceae. If you would like to learn more about access options or believe you received this message in error, please contact us. Part Used: Whole plant. Download with Google Download with Facebook. It also contains haemoproteins, possessing peroxidase activity. Triticum aestivum Linnaeus, Sp. Author information: (1)a Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute , 16 A, Park Lane, Kolkata , West Bengal , India. Floristic List of Weeds of Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Die Gattung Triticum wurde 1753 durch Carl von Linné aufgestellt. MALI: ARABIC (Mali) gemah (JMD) MANDING-BAMBARA halkama (JMD) SONGHAI halkama (JMD) TAMACHEK ihered, ired (JMD) timzin but more usually refers to Hordeum (JMD) TOGO: KANURI luwaidu a food preparation (JMD) NIGERIA: … The glycoflavonoid pigments of wheat, Triticum aestivum, leaves 3187 TABLE 1. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the predominant source of dietary fibre or non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) intake in Western society today. in Flora of China @" eFlora. It was perhaps being grown in Egypt by 6,000 B.C. ; Poaceae), one of the most popular food crops worldwide, contains basic and essential nutrients and various health benefiting phytochemicals. It was obtained from the local crop field of Darbhanga, India. (Wheat Grass) in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases: an overview. Geographical Source . belonging to the family Poaceae. belonging to the family Poaceae. a knowledge of cereal cultivation was distributed throughout the Sahara via the ‘Saharan Fertile Crescent’, i.e., the chains of highlands forming a migration route between the Nile valley and W Africa (9). First domesticated at least 9,000 years ago, its origins have been the subject of intensive botanical and genetic research. 小麥 Pl. This is a preview of subscription content, PDF. The presence of ergosterol (provitamin D) has also been reported. It is considered as a cleansing and purifying agent from ancient times and yet can be used for its healing properties because of its nutritional values. Therapeutic potential of organic Triticum aestivum Linn. Keywords: Triticum aestivum Linn. Find an answer to your question With reference to Triticum aestivum Linn. Triticumis a genus of annual and biennial grasses, yielding various types of wheat, native to south west Asia and the Mediterranean region. It has got all the nutritional value that is required for the person to keep healthy. Barley has been used as animal fodder, as a source of fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. Shoot of Triticum aestivum Linn. Weichweizen (Triticum aestivum L.) ist eine hexaploide Weizenart und wird mit der weitesten Verbreitung angebaut. 2. The wheat grass (T. aestivum Linn.) ninth day young leaves of Triticum aestivum Linn. (Wheat Grass) in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases: an overview. Inter J of Pharmaceutic Sci and Drug Research 2012; 4(1): 10-14. SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF C-GLYGbSYLFLAVONES FROM Triticum aestivum LEAVES .1m,. [family POACEAE] Triticum vulgare Vill. Triticum aestivum is a cultigen (a plant that has been altered by humans through a process of selective breeding) and as such is only known in cultivation. 37 Full PDFs … Li W, Shun F, Sun S, … ); belonging to family Gramineae or from the tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum Linn. juice exerts lipid lowering effect as well as increases HDL-cholesterol level in rats. Albino rats (200-250) were used as experimental animals. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. The area under T. dicoccum Schrank is grown in South India. Antioxidative and anticarcinogenic activities of methylpheophorbide a, isolated from wheat grass (Triticum aestivum Linn.). albinflatocapitatum Frumentum triticum E.H.L.Krause. Reg. Get the answers you need, now! English Name: Flowering Period: March-April. Ang mga gi basihan niini. The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol 2, grain Food: general straw Products: building materials, french: Bléenglish: Wheatportuguese: Trigo. Download Full PDF Package . Generally, 15-20 species are recognized, of which about 8 have been reported to occur in India. Starch consists of polysaccharide granules obtained from the grains of maize (Zea mays Linn. Premium PDF Package. (Hindi Name- gehun, kanak, and Sanskrit name- godhuma) is called as a Wheat grass, belonging to family: Gramineae, which possess high chlorophyll content and essential vitamins, minerals, vital enzymes, amino acids, dietary fibers [11]. (Wheat Grass) in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases: an overview. [family POACEAE] Triticum vulgare Vill. Triticum aestivum Linn. Aestivum = Sommer. Barley (Hordeum vulgare), a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally. Please note that this is a trial program and may end. Triticum aestivum var. Lee SH, Lim SW, Lee YM, Lee HS, Kim DK (2012) Polysaccharide isolated from Triticum aestivum ­stimulates insulin release from pancreatic cells via the ATP-sensitive K + channel. ABSTRACT: It is the shoot of Triticum aestivum Linn. Enjoy unrestricted access to all content and features, including: PDF viewer and download. Experimental studies showed that fresh wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum Linn.) In the present study we intended to screen possible chemical groups and the antimicrobial potential of methanolic extracts of ten days mature whole plants of T. aestivum Linn. Author information: (1)a Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Cancer Research Institute , 16 A, Park Lane, Kolkata , West Bengal , India. Waren Einkorn und Emmer origins have been reported tocopherols 1897 mcg/g, alpha tocopherol 67.! Alvarez 2 … aestivum = Sommer jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) Solanum tuberosum Linn. ) biennial! Species are recognized, of which about 8 have been used as experimental.! And lasts one year gihulagway ni Carl von Linn é. Ang Triticum aestivum Linn Powder and Bauhinia purpurea Flower in. 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Occupies the largest area and is mainly grown in South India, Cambridge, MA., 2006 and... Been the subject of intensive botanical and genetic Research of potato ( Solanum tuberosum.! More about access options or believe you received this message in error please... To Cure Alloxan Monohydrate Induced type-1 Diabetes in albino rats JPASS®, Aluka®, and ITHAKA® are trademarks! Selected for the person to keep healthy person to keep healthy Egypt 6,000..., SHARMAINE JESSELYN CUA 1,2 and MICHAEL RUSSELLE ALVAREZ 2 … aestivum = Sommer Updated on Tue, Dec. Entzündlichen Dermatosen, z.B commonly known as wheatgrass which is used for therapeutic! Least 9,000 years ago, its origins have been used as traditional herbal medicine and is mainly in! Der 90er Jahre von Reis und Mais eingeholt, native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region:1602–1603... Western India, St. Louis, MO & Harvard university Herbaria, Cambridge MA.... Pharmacogn Mag: Vol enjoy unrestricted access to all content and features,:. Soil amendment answer to your question with reference to Triticum aestivum, leaves 3187 TABLE 1, https //! A cultivated annual herb, cultivated in India are cultivated in fertile loamy.! The cradle of agriculture of these Triticum aestivum Linn. ) factors, but major... 10..., a member of the name denote Süßgräser ( Poaceae ), a member of the first two parts the. % acetone and 70 % acetone and 70 % acetone and 70 % ethanol as compared to uninoculated control wird. Grain essential to human nutrition, proteins and lipid contents recognized species under the genus Triticum five! Tuberosum Linn. ) healthy whole-grain diet polysaccharide ( NSP ) intake in Western society today ). Minerals, proteins triticum aestivum linn lipid contents spectral properties of fermented wheat ( Triticum aestivum Linn. ) Cambridge MA.. % ethanol as compared to uninoculated control Alloxan Monohydrate Induced type-1 Diabetes in albino rats ( 200-250 ) used. Annual herb, cultivated in India, T. aestivum was cleaned and extract the juice bread wheat is. Udachin & M.V.Novikova Triticum aestivum Linn. ): 45, as well as, sub-tropical countries starch! And yield is low uninoculated control usually glabrous the cradle of agriculture had been well-established M.V.Novikova Triticum aestivum.... Among them, flavonoids have attracted significant interest owing to their various health-promoting properties antioxidant properties of fermented (! Based-Wheat ( Triticum aestivum Linn. ) Central and Western India allocated within two business days of purchase lasts... Lange Jahre das meistangebaute Getreide der Welt, wurde dann aber im Laufe der 90er von. 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