Zebra Animal Nature. Even my three-year-old knows this is a flat-out lie. When under threat, these awesome animals form a semi-circle facing the attacker, and prepare to strike if need be. quietly eating grass. The IBM strategic repository for digital assets such as images and videos is located at dam.ibm.com. Zebra running in the savanna. Safary in South Africa. Group of zebras running across the water. A zebra mother and foal running towards camera. {{selectedSize.discountPrice || selectedSize.price}}, {{ assetSizeLabel(selectedSize)}} {{formatPrice(selectedSize.discountPrice || selectedSize.price)}}, {{::t('download_workflow.download_will_be_saved_to_dropbox')}}. 26 33 2. {{t('buy_card.limited_use_name_'+product.Usage.toLowerCase())}}, {{t('buy_card.limited_use_description_'+product.Usage.toLowerCase())}}, {{getDefaultSize().teeShirtSize || getDefaultSize().label}}, {{getDefaultSize().pixels}} ({{getDefaultSize().localeUnits}}). Zebras are members of the horse family (Equidae) that inhabit tropical grasslands (savannas) in much of sub-Saharan Africa.Three of the seven species of equids are zebras. Abandonment of patches used by lions may be an important cause of zebra movement among grass patches. The stripes blend together and make them harder to single out when running in a herd survived. 255 269 30. Zulassungen und Freigaben richten sich nach dem Verwendungszweck. When a herd of zebras is running from a lion or a leopard, the blur of fast-moving stripes makes it hard for the cat to distinguish between animals, and therefore to separate one to chase. zebra in a zoo park, skin patterned stripes. This is confusing to the lion, who sees a large, moving, striped mass instead of many individual zebras. © 2021 Getty Images. The largest zebra is the Grevy's zebra, according to the San Diego Zoo. The zebra can reach a speed of 68.4 km/h (42.5 mph) compared to 57.6 km/h (35.8 mph) for the lion, but maximum acceleration is respectively 18 km/h (11 mph) and 34.2 km/h (21.3 mph). Not only does it get your students up and moving it will reinforce the fact that the zebra runs away from the predator lion. Plains Zebra Running. QUESTION 45. running from a lion. These are strong, fast, wary, and potentially delicious. A herd has many eyes alert to danger. The faster gaits are typically observed when zebras are fleeing a predator, and they often reach a speed of over 30 mph. (350 to 450 kilograms) and is around 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall from shoulder to hoof. Miller = … ... Lions, hyenas, leopards and African hunting dogs are the primary predators of zebras, but … Zebra running, Etosha, Namibia. Tanzania. Dieses Konto hat das Download-Limit erreicht. The zebra suddenly realized he was being chased and began running faster. Wenn Sie mehr dazu erfahren möchten, treten Sie mit uns in. The rhyming had me hanging on each line. (350 to 450 kilograms) and is around 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall from shoulder to hoof. See the answer. Lions are most active at night and live in a variety of habitats but prefer grassland, savanna, dense scrub, and open woodland. 10) Their fierce fighting skills and strong social bonds help to protect zebras from predators, which include lions, leopards, hyenas and cheetahs. Read: Honey Badgers Defeat Lions In Fierce Battle, Netizens Say 'they Don't Give Up Easily' #SaturdayThoughts You need at least … Kingborough will be disappointed after making a strong start to the season against perhaps lesser teams, and this was a great chance to make a statement to the rest of the league. Sie können den Zeitraum individuell auswählen, und völliges Buyout ist auch verfügbar. The herd moves a few steps away and continues to graze. The pictures flowed with the text and were beautifully crafted with their details on each … Burchell`s Zebra running, Botswana, Africa. *, {{ t('save_amount', { amount_saved: formatPrice(pack.amountYouSave) }) }}, {{ t('pack_count_lowercase', { total: pack.packCount }) }}, {{t('compared_with_single_price', {price: formatPrice(selectedSize.price) }) }}. Zebra, Zebra, Zebra, Lion! nicht exklusives Material. It starts with a poor miller, who boasts to the king that his daughter can spin straw into gold. Click here to request Getty Images Premium Access through IBM Creative Design Services. Prey animals tend to run in zigzag patterns, making the predator's speed a hindrance and the agility of the prey a gift. A group of zebras can also be called a herd of zebras or a zeal of zebras, but those aren’t quite as much fun. This problem has been solved! Their offspring then had markings like the parents and the lions had … We may expect that lions, in turn, move to patches where zebras are abundant, resulting in cyclical redistribution patterns in both species. Das folgenden Dateien enthalten nicht freigegebenes bzw. Zebra mother and foal running. 144 257 13. Zebra running. Fingerplay. However, they have a preference for ungulates like buffaloes, zebras, wildebeests, and gazelles. 1 quote have been tagged as lions-and-zebras: Mehmet Murat ildan: ‘When you see a lion tearing apart a zebra, what sort of divine order you see there? The zebras probably started out black and white, but not striped as they are now. Not only do the zebra and lion live in close relationship, but a study of either one can throw into relief the character of the other. A dazzle of zebras is the most common collective noun, named for the motion dazzle effect created by a group of running zebras. Here, we estimate the ability of lions and spotted hyaenas (the two chief predators of zebras), and of zebras themselves to resolve zebra stripes, relative to humans by (1) calculating distance limits for the resolution of zebra stripes by the different species, and (2) applying spatial and colour vision filters to digital images of zebras and other prey animals at different distances to simulate their … The zebras instinctually run from the roar when they should run right into it. An evaluation of various adaptations of the … They notice the herd running away and instinctively lurch to run with them. National Park. Maasai Mara. Zebra Wildlife Africa. It's hard for the lion to even recognize which way each zebra is moving: … Zebras are herd-living social ungulates (hoofed mammals) recognized by a black-and-white (or cream or yellowish) striped coat, short erect mane, and a tail averaging about 18 in (0.5 m) long.The body length of a zebra … South Africa Zebra. Shot of Zebras running away from Lion - stock video {{purchaseLicenseLabel}} {{restrictedAssetLabel}} {{buyOptionLabel(option)}} You have view only access under this Premium Access agreement. Folgende Verwendungszwecke sind ausgeschlossen: Buchdeckel oder Zeitschriften-Titelblätter, kommerzielle, verkaufsfördernde, Advertorial-, Sponsoring-, Werbe- oder Merchandising-Zwecke in allen Medien (z. B. zu Werbe- oder Marketingzwecken). Zebra Stripes. However, a 2018 study found that zebras do not escape lions by speed alone but by laterally turning, especially when the predator is close behind. An excellent illustration. A Zebra running from a pride lions in the Kruger Nartional Park of South Africa. Zebras primarily protect themselves with their great speed, powerful legs and large groups. Alle Mitarbeiter Ihrer Organisation können es beliebig oft, weltweit, bis zu 15 Jahre lang mit einer summenmäßig unbeschränkten Haftungsfreistellung nutzen. Sofern keine kostenpflichtige Lizenz erworben wird, dürfen Inhalte jedoch nicht in Endversionen von Materialien oder öffentlich verfügbaren Materialien verwendet werden. If an African lion takes on zebra, outracing it is the best defense for the species and this is where its ability to run fast over a long distance comes into play. In several of them you can look for zebra who is hiding from lion. The ones who were hardest to single out survived longer to produce more offspring. Mit UltraPacks, die ihre Gültigkeit nie verlieren, können Sie lizenzfreie Bilder, Videos und Editorial-Inhalte nach Lust und Laune kombinieren. Zebra Baby Zebra Africa. Scared lion running away from a zebra. An excellent illustration. The beetle expert feels a sudden weight on its back. They have seen the lion before and have even seen other zebras ripped to shreds and devoured by the lion. 20.12% of animals the lions killed were zebras; 58.72% of zebras killed by lions were adults; 7.3% of zebras killed by lions were juveniles; 8.4% of all zebras killed by lions between between May and July were juveniles, which is the highest juvenile kill rate out of all other times of the year The zebras instinctually run from the roar when they should run right into it. Designers also selected these stock photos, Namibia Etosha Pan two Burchell's Zebras running side by side, Adult zebra running at full speed in Moremi in Okavango Delta in Botswana, BURCHELL`S ZEBRA equus burchelli, ADULT RUNNING THROUGH SAVANNAH, KENYA, Adult zebra running through wet and muddy plains of Amboseli in Kenya, Black and white Zebra Herd running from water, A Zebra running from a pride lions in the Kruger Nartional Park of South Africa. Zebra Wildlife Africa. Hier können Sie Inhalte sammeln, auswählen und Anmerkungen zu Ihren Dateien hinterlegen. Zebra Running Savannah. Photo about Lion and Zebras running away, defocused in the background. Zebra running. When all the zebras keep together as a big group, the patte­rn of each zebra's stripes blends in with the stripes of the zebras around it. Kenya. This is embodied in its limb … 199 321 22. The illustrations are fun and detailed. It is a fun tale with lion chasing zebra through town after he steps on lion's paw. Die Premium Access-Vereinbarung Ihres Teams läuft bald ab. The proverbial ‘king of the beasts,’ the lion has been one of the best-known wild animals since earliest times. Just because a zebra can outrun a lion does not mean the zebra is faster. The zebra is found in Africa. Explore more on Zebra. Image of beautiful, lions, dangerous - 108178717 Bitte prüfen Sie auf der Getty Images-Website sorgfältig, ob das Lizenzmaterial Beschränkungen unterliegt, und wenden Sie sich bei Fragen an einen Kundenberater von Getty Images. Blue wildebeest running fast fleeing from lions. Figure 5. When under threat, these awesome animals form a semi-circle facing the attacker, and prepare to strike if need be. All for one and one for all! 27 34 1. … ZEBRA ON THE GO was an overall well put together book. Extended licenses ? With smaller predators like hyenas and dogs, zebras may act more aggressively, especially in defense of their young. Um Ihr Projekt mit dem über das EasyAccess-Konto (EZA) heruntergeladenen Material abschließen zu können, benötigen Sie eine Lizenz. The lion will go for the typical deathblow: Crushing the wind pipe, while the team keeps their prey from getting away. Zebras must be constantly wary of lions and hyenas. 122 192 16. The main enemies of zebras are lions, spotted hyenas and hyena dogs. Zebras. A great read aloud for classrooms. The largest zebra is the Grevy's zebra, according to the San Diego Zoo.It weighs 770 to 990 lbs. Sometimes the herds are attacked by leopards and cheetahs, and during the watering – crocodiles. Zebra Stripes Couple. Schützen Sie Ihre kreative Arbeit – wir entfernen dieses Bild von unserer Webseite, solange Sie es brauchen. Change the familiar game “Duck, Duck, Goose” and play “Zebra, Zebra, Lion”. Discuss: 1. 213 270 20. The lion inches forward and stops. lions kill zebra in serengeti. Wide angle shot of two lions running in the … Zebras tend to be unpredictable in behavior and panicky under stress. Five little zebras in the zoo door. It was comfortable in the end for Zebras running out 3-0 winners to keep themselves in with the title contenders early in the season. He matched the speed of the lion, but the lion wasn’t ready to give up. The pain is mixed with surges of panicky adrenaline as the zebra continues to run aimlessly under the unbearable weight. And if one of the group is wounded or injured, other zebras will circle around and attempt to drive off the hungry attacker. Once they are on the run, everyone else follows until there is a happy ending and zebra and lion are no longer in a tiff. Zebra The Horse Animal. BURCHELL`S ZEBRA equus burchelli, ADULT RUNNING THROUGH SAVANNAH, KENYA. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Previous question Next … The lion has trouble picking out any one zebra, and so it doesn't have a very good plan of attack. But we’re not … 157 195 34. And it’s not like they actually SHOW a lion eating a zebra. They all know about the lion. Related Posts . Maasai Mara. But Rumpelstiltskin ... that’s kind of messed up. Lions can see the zebras running, they are just very hard to single out. 88 154 16. The video begins with the two zebras running, when one is caught by a lioness. FULL: … Ihr EasyAccess-Konto (EZA) ist ein Jahr lang gültig. Such coupled movements of predator and prey may … A Zebra running from a pride lions in the Kruger Nartional Park of South Africa. Zebra Grant'S Zebra. While capable of taking down animals like rhinoceroses and hippos, they will usually avoid these species. It seems that they are unfamiliar with thunder. (240 to 372 kg), according to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.Plains zebras are 3… There are several facts in the book. Kenya. The stripes of a Grevy's zebra are very narrow, compared with the stripes of other zebras, and the striping continues all the way down the legs to the hooves. On the other hand, if a cheetah, hyena or wild dogs attack the zebra, it can take on them with their strong hooves and teeth; and can even kill them with its lethal kick. When threatened by lions, zebras flee, and when caught they are rarely effective in fighting off the big cats. sipping coffee. This repository is populated with tens of thousands of assets and should be your first stop for asset selection. 155 186 18. Nile crocodiles are also great threats during migratory river crossings. They live in small family groups consisting of a male (stallion), several females, and their young. 221 309 20. Tanzania. Einbetten eines Bildes oder eines Diavortrags, Dateien für das Erstellen eines Diavortrags hinzufügen. The title derives from Sapolsky's idea that for animals such as zebras, stress is generally episodic (e.g., running away from a lion), while for humans, stress is often chronic (e.g., worrying about losing your job). How different is the lion, which tires after a short, forceful sprint, but is capable of such supple and agile movement. Ohne Lizenz können Sie das Material nicht für folgende Zwecke weiterverwenden: Da die Kollektionen ständig aktualisiert werden, kann Getty Images nicht garantieren, dass ein bestimmter Inhalt bis zum Zeitpunkt der Lizenzierung verfügbar ist. So, you need to decide which facts are most important to emphasize with your students. Running zebra in Serengeti national reservation area. But lions eat zebras!” [cue picture of cartoon zebra running away from the word ‘ROAR’ in a speech bubble.] 32 28 5. Zebra … Young male Lion, ready for attack, walking towards herd of Zebras running away, … Zebra Wild Animal. If I remember correctly, however, I don't … Begin by reading A Zebra’s Worldby Caroline Arnold. Horizontal view of an adult zebra running at full speed in grassy plains of Moremi in. These … Meanwhile, the big scary male lion heads straight into the zebras and lets out a tremendous roar. sipping coffee. Once past a certain distance, a zebra can escape the lion easily. Single-breeders develop a running speed of up to 60 km / h, so they have a chance to escape. The pattern of the camouflage is much more important than its color, when hiding from these predators. Wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihr Unternehmen, um dieses Bild zu lizenzieren. So far they have escaped unharmed. South Africa Wild. All rights reserved. Adult zebra running at full speed in Moremi in Okavango Delta in Botswana. *Die UltraPacks verlieren nie ihre Gültigkeit, solange Sie sich mindestens einmal im Jahr anmelden. It’s an ingenious tactic – surely an evolutionary trait that’s helped lions survive for centuries. Serengeti. Sie können Inhalte von der Getty Images Website nach dem Herunterladen gerne 30 Tage lang kostenlos zu Testzwecken oder als Muster (Montage oder Layout) verwenden. B. Druck, kommerzielle Sendungen, Film, digital). 03: Fierce fighting skills. Group of zebras running across the water. The zebra’s legs buckle. Question: QUESTION 45 Pupillary Dilation Can Be Observed In A Zebra: Flirting With Another Zebra Running From A Lion Quietly Eating Grass Sipping Coffee . He is temporarily satisfied. Contrary to popular belief, zebras are black with white stripes, as proven … Zebras' thick, black stripes may have evolved to help these iconic creatures stay cool in the midday African heat, a new study suggests. Mit Market Freeze haben Sie die Gewissheit, dass wir dieses Bild von unserer Webseite entfernen, solange Sie es brauchen. The weight is accompanied by stripes of searing pain that seem to begin at the hindquarters. Zebras are very fast animals that can run up to 35 miles per ho. Sie erhalten die Inhalte in der größten verfügbaren Größe. They have the stamina to outrun lions if they have an adequate head start. Detail of lower forelimb of zebra and lion, viewed from the front. Living in large herds provides great protection for zebras. A lion has to surprise a zebra within the first six seconds of breaking cover. This book begins when the baby zebra is only three weeks old and follows it until the zebra is one year old. Mit dem EasyAccess-Konto (EZA) können Mitarbeiter Ihres Unternehmens Inhalte für die folgenden Zwecke herunterladen: Dadurch wird die Standardlizenz für Layouts für Bilder und Videos auf der Getty Images-Website außer Kraft gesetzt. Group of zebras running across the water. After a longer bout of running, a zebra does not collapse in exhaustion, but remains standing and … Pinnwände sind ideal zum Speichern von Bildern und Videoclips. Lion, large, powerfully built cat that is second in size only to the tiger. Nxai Pans waterhole is a great hunting ground for lions as the wildebeest flee. Dieses Video gehört zu unserem Analog-Archiv und ist daher nicht auf unserer Webseite gespeichert. Due to their high speeds, zebras can escape fast-running predators like lions. quietly eating grass. Zebra mother and foal running. At least it’s true. How did the zeb… Queen Angelfish Adaptations. Shot of Zebras running away from Lion - stock video {{purchaseLicenseLabel}} {{restrictedAssetLabel}} {{buyOptionLabel(option)}} You have view only access under this Premium Access agreement. Zebras. Single-breeders develop a running speed of up to 60 km / h, so they have a chance to escape. Zebras are herd-living social ungulates (hoofed mammals) recognized by a black-and-white (or cream or yellowish) striped coat, short erect mane, and a tail averaging about 18 in (0.5 m) long. Contact your company to license this image. Adult zebra running through wet and … Zebras are very fast animals that can run up to 35 miles per hour, and they have great stamina, which allows them to outlast predators they cannot easily outrun. Zebra running in the savanna. A lion is the only natural predator of elephants that have enough power to kill such a large animal. May 16, 2017 Bethany rated it it was amazing. Lions are capable of feeding on just about any animal within their range. Verwendung nur für die angegebenen Zwecke. Last updated: December 13, 2020 by December 13, 2020 by 1,607 Free images of Zebras. Zebras learn to keep their distance, but one zebra is about to violate the first rule of the safari: Always stay with the group. Their thick bodies make them look like mules with stripes. This is when the courageous friend comes to the rescue as it kicks the lioness and saves its friend. Zebra running scared from Lions. Zebra Burchell. Abstract Africa Animal. The lion doesn't really realize what happens, it just keeps running Zebras live on the plains, in mountains and in grasslands. Find high-quality Zebras Running stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. When he does, the zebras go full force in the opposite direction… Right into the claws of those eager female lions. 03: Fierce fighting skills Zebra Africa Animal. Funny zebra in love showing a red heart above its head while running after a scared lion. This is the real concern. Find Zebra Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Zebra and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. Durch Anklicken der Schaltfläche „Herunterladen“ stimmen Sie zu, dass Sie die Verantwortung für die Verwendung des nicht freigegebenen Materials (einschließlich der Einholung aller erforderlichen Genehmigungen) übernehmen und sämtliche Nutzungsbeschränkungen einhalten. However, a 2018 study found that … QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 29.97i. Zebra very beautiful animal because it. Ein Kundenberater von Getty Images wird sich bezüglich einer Verlängerung an Sie wenden. Adult zebra running at full speed in Moremi in Okavango Delta in Botswana. Zebras have been trained to pull carriages successfully in the past (Lord Rothschild used to drive his zebra-drawn carriage through London), but obviously it’s not something that would be deemed acceptable by most people in the … 23 16 17. Due to their high speeds, zebras can escape fast-running predators like lions. Just because a zebra can outrun a lion does not mean the zebra is faster. National Park. I’m ok with this. Zebra Stripes Animal. Interesting facts that zebra also participates in the annual 1,800-mile migration in search of water and food from Serengeti, Tanzania to Masai Mara, Kenya. Their powerful legs deliver devastating kicks, which can break a predator’s jaw. It weighs 770 to 990 lbs. running from a lion. Animals Zebra Crosswalk. Der Zugriff auf den Inhalt kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen und es können zusätzliche Gebühren anfallen. A Zebra running from a pride lions in the Kruger Nartional Park of South Africa. In the past, falling rocks have caused them to run. Alle Lizenzen für lizenzfreie Inhalte beinhalten weltweite Nutzungsrechte, umfangreichen Schutz und eine einfache Preisgestaltung mit Mengenrabatten. Size. Zebras are known for their strategy of panicking and running whenever something scares them, however, not all zebras do so. When he does, the zebras go full force in the opposite direction… Right into the claws of those eager female lions. Kenya. In avoiding lions, zebras may be directly perceiving them or responding to cues of other animals. It doesn't matter that the zebra's stripes are black and white and the lines of the grass are yellow, brown or green, because the zebra's main predator, the lion, is colorblind. Zebra Animal Mammal. Their fierce fighting skills and strong social bonding help in protection … Lion and Zebras running away, defocused in the background. 27 40 0. Zebra start running throw a high grass on a field from a safari car. Longleat Safari Park, drive through, 14th September 2018, a wonderful experience seeing such amazing animals in a natural environment. If an African lion takes on zebra, outracing it is the best defense for the species and this is where its ability to run fast over a long distance comes into play. 24 44 2. Die kostenlose Layout-Lizenz gewährt keine weiteren Rechte und jegliche Gewährleistung ist ausgeschlossen. Zebras primarily protect themselves with their great speed, powerful legs and large groups. Mountain zebras are from 3.8 to 4.9 feet (116 to 150 cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh 529 to 820 lbs. Serengeti. A zebra's main predator is the lion, but since zebras are herd animals, the stripes may help to confuse predators - a number of zebras standing or moving close together may appear as one large animal, making it more difficult for the lion to pick out any single zebra to attack. Put one finger on where they live and another finger in the southern area of Africa (the book has a map for your reference). 192 216 13. 10) Their fierce fighting skills and strong social bonds help to protect zebras from predators, which include lions, leopards, hyenas and cheetahs. Here, we estimate the ability of lions and spotted hyaenas (the two chief predators of zebras), and of zebras themselves to resolve zebra stripes, relative to humans by (1) calculating distance limits for the resolution of zebra stripes by the different species, and (2) applying spatial and colour vision filters to digital images of zebras and other prey animals at different distances to simulate their … Wildlife safari in the Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa. The wavy lines of a zebra blend in with the wavy lines of the tall grass around it. Zebras have been known to kick each other to death, they will viciously bite any human that comes too close, and there are even many accounts of zebras killing lions. Finale Materialien zum Gebrauch innerhalb Ihrer Organisation, Materialien zum Gebrauch außerhalb Ihrer Organisation, Materialien zum öffentlichen Gebrauch (z. Five Zebras. A lion has to surprise a zebra within the first six seconds of breaking cover. Wildlife safari in the Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa. Lizenzfreie Bilder von Getty Images beinhalten: Zu den häufigsten Verwendungszwecken zählen: Zeitungen und Zeitschriften (außer Titelblättern), redaktionelle Sendungen, Dokumentationen, nichtkommerzielle Webseiten, Blogs und Social-Media-Beiträge zu Themen von öffentlichem Interesse. see review. Their main predators of are lions, hyenas, leopards, wild dogs and cheetahs. They live in herds and can be as old as 20-30 when they die. National Park. Download premium images you can't get anywhere else. Das EasyAccess-Konto (EZA) ist keine Lizenz. Unterliegt der Lizenzvereinbarung für Inhalte, {{formatPrice(size.discountPrice || size.price)}}. Pupillary dilation can be observed in a zebra: flirting with another zebra. Zebra Finch Bird. Im Rahmen dieser Premium Access Vereinbarung haben Sie lediglich Ansichtsrechte. One ran away and then there were four. 13 15 3. Contact your company to license this image. Of all the world's cats, lions are … Plains zebras are the most common species. Zusätzliche Downloads unterliegen den vereinbarten Überschussbedingungen. Zebra Safari Wildlife. 34 42 2. After reading: Show the students a globe of the earth. Meanwhile, Asian lion populations subsist mainly on chital and sambar deer. A Zebra running from a pride lions in the Kruger Nartional Park of South Africa. Even zebra’s foals start running with the herd after a few hours of birth. Sometimes the herds are attacked by leopards and cheetahs, and during the watering – crocodiles. Into the Roar. The main enemies of zebras are lions, spotted hyenas and hyena dogs. {{selectAgreementHeader}} {{selectedOption.friendlyName}} All Royalty-Free licenses include global use rights, comprehensive protection, simple pricing with volume … Tanzania. The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won’t get much sleep.-Woody Allen “ A lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing.-William Shakespeare “ Don’t ask me who’s influenced me. Copyright © 2000-2021 Dreamstime. Das Getty Images Design ist eine eingetragene Marke von Getty Images. Occasional fights are characterized by biting each others legs and kicking. The lion noticed a zebra to his left that seemed closer than the rest, and launched himself in that direction. 133 138 14. 113 199 0. In avoiding lions, zebras may be directly perceiving them or responding to cues of other animals. Two young zebras notice the movement and go on eating. 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