Strobilanthes anisophyllus - goldfussia APPEARANCE : Striking dark purple to bronze-green foliage with small tubular mauve flowers in winter and spring. An evergreen small bushy shrub growing to a height of 1-2 metres. Locations. Ce genre originaire d'Asie, présente un feuillage très décoratif par … Leaf colour is brighter in sun, but will grow happily in shade. It has shiny, dark green leaves of unequal size, which are stained blackish purple on both sides. Soil: Most fertile, well drained soils in a sunny location. Goldfussia – Strobilanthes anisophyllus $ 3.95. Great as a low growing hedge or plant next to green plants for great contrast. ... Strobilanthes anisophyllus 7cm; Images are for reference purposes only. Goldfussia - Strobilanthes anisophyllus in 75mm pot: Related Content: Garden: Related Categories: Auto Parts: Furniture: Pet Supplies: Kitchen: Bedding: Cookware: 56 Products : Sort By: Australian Garden Essentials $ 6 95: Not In Stock. This plant loves a sheltered location to grow where it will be warm and humid most of the time. Listed in the RHS Plant Finder. STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS GOLDFUSSIA. Lanced-shaped foliage is a rich purple-green and in Spring tubular lavender flowers appear. Name comes from the Greek, strolios, meaning cone and anthos, meaning flower. Strobilanthes anisophyllus - Goldfussia : Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden, South Africa var TheImage; LOCATION: Sunny sheltered position is ideal in the warmer parts of Australia. Goldfussia Strobilanthes anisophyllus - botanical name. Leaf colour is brighter in sun, but will grow happily in shade. Grow as border plant or in greenhouse. Actual product may vary due to pot size, availability and season. Actual product may vary due to pot size, availability and season. $ 231.00 $ 127.00 $ 103.00 Categories. 140mm Goldfussia - Strobilanthes anisophylla. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Evergreen dense bushy shrub (3m x 2m) from the Mediterranean region. Find Strobilanthes anissophylus Goldfussia availability & prices online now. It has shiny, dark green leaves of unequal size, which are stained blackish purple on both sides. 1 inch cone-shaped flowers from lavender to blue bloom in spring and winter. It features dark green leaves which are stained with a black-purple tint and held densely. This is a great plant to add contrast and colour into a garden which might have a lot of greenery. Sydney Water plant selector, Strobilanthes anisophyllus, Goldfussia. Clip regularly if hedges or shaping is required. Useful as a specimen or in groups mixed with shrubbery for the contrast of its foliage. Strobilanthes anisophyllus ( Strobilanthes ) Small shrub with lance-shaped, toothed, dark green leaves. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Strobilanthes anisophylla or Goldfussia is an evergreen, erect, bushy shrub with lance-shaped, purplish foliage and long, tubular, lavender flowers that open to a bell-shaped mouth on long, brittle, cane-like stems. Burgundy purple foliage all y... Rich duo-toned foliage, purple and green, perfect for accent planting and containers, plus those awkward places like dry spots, under trees,... A colourful twist on one of our most popular hedging plants. Strobilanthes Anisophyllus “Gold Fussia” Gold Fussia is a hardy, evergreen shrub growing to around 1.5 meters tall. : Strobilanthes anisophyllus, Strobilanthes isophyllus), Goldfussia, Willow Leaf Strobilanthes : Code: 90465 Price: $9.95 : Quantity: Quantity in Basket: None : Family: Acanthaceae Goldfussia is an evergreen shrub-like perennial, uncommon in the US, but popular in Australian gardens. 1000+ 1500+ 3000+ Price per Thousand. 1 inch cone-shaped flowers from lavender to blue bloom in spring and winter. Attractive dark green to purple foliage. Prefers a warm, sheltered spot in the garden. Strobilanthes anisophyllus Gold Fussia is a hardy, evergreen shrub growing to around 1.5 meters tall. Common Name: Goldfussia. Narrow deep green leaves stained purple black on both sides. Tags - In Stock (397) Tags - Print Request (1967) Tags - Roses (745) Stiks - In Stock (457) Stiks - Print Request (1236) Stakes & Plain Labels (21) Recently viewed products. Fro... Azalea Shiraz : warm burgundy-maroon foliage perfect for accent planting. Storobirannthesu anisophyllus is an evergreen subshrub of the family acanthaceae native to the Assam in India.It is 100 cm height , stem color is dark purple, lilac tubular flowers is about 3 cm to the winter from in late spring. Strobilanthes anisophyllus (Goldfussia) – shrubby plant with short purple-red leaves and clusters of mauve flowers during warm seasons. Description: A evergreen low growing bushy shrub with blackish stems. Many species are cultivated for their two-lipped, hooded flowers in shades of blue, pink, white and purple. Strobilanthes Blume, Bijdr. In harsh full sun this plant can loose some of its colour. Like most of its relatives, it will grow in shady places, in very ordinary soil. Strobilanthes anisophyllus. Mauve (light purple/blue) flowers appear in spring-autumn. This plant is listed in the RHS Plant Finder book. 50 in stock. Join now. How to grow Strobilanthes anisophyllus (Goldfussia) Commonly known as Goldfussia, this is an evergreen shrub grown for its lush foliage. December, Zone: 10 Frost and drought sensitive. Scientific name: Strobilanthes anisophyllus Common name: Goldfussia Date planted. Skip to content. Find 140mm Goldfussia - Strobilanthes anisophylla at Bunnings Warehouse. TheImage = document.getElementById(TheImageId); Spikes of funnel to bell shaped white flowers turning lavender with age. Mauve flowers appear in spring, and intermittently throughout the year. GROWING CONDITIONS: Prefers full sun to part shade. Evergreen erect and branching shrub (1m x 1m) from India. Attractive dark green to purple foliage. Free delivery over $260.Get the rate for your order in View & Edit Cart, We replace or refund any plants that do not arrive in good condition.See FAQs for details, Office hours 8am-3.30pm Mon-Thur, 8am-12 noon Fri. var TheButtonPintrest; The Goldfussia is an evergreen shrub most commonly recognised for its thick, glossy foliage that contrasts from green to purple in colour. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Border Stobilanthes dyeriana (Persian shield) – low growing plant sometimes forming ground cover. PRICE BREAKS. Pots/Tubs October Growing to about 1.5-2 m in height, it comes into bloom in autumn and continues into winter. Overview; STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS GOLDFUSSIA. Small dense evergreen shrub with lance-shaped dark green-purple leaves. It belongs to the broad Acanthaceae family, most of which grow well in Sydney. Strobilanthes anisophylla goldfussia Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. H: 1.5 -x W 1.5 - 2m (Syn. September The more sun it gets the darker the foliage will go. Tags - In Stock (397) Tags - Print Request (1967) Tags - Roses (745) Stiks - In Stock (457) Stiks - Print Request (1236) Stakes & Plain Labels (21) Recently viewed products. Evergreen Growers ship a wide variety of tubestock plants to all states of Australia. STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS GOLDFUSSIA. Description. Find 140mm Goldfussia - Strobilanthes anisophyllus at Bunnings Warehouse. Zone: 11 Loves warm sheltered humid locations. Strobilanthes Goldfussia (Strobilanthes anisophylla) is a shrubby plant with slender pointed foliage that has a dark purple tint when grown in full sun. Gardeners have been gr... For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Flowers are curved tubular, 20mm light lavender in sparse clusters along the stem in spring though to autumn. Strobilanthes anisophyllus Goldfussia is a hardy, evergreen shrub growing to around 1.5 meters tall. TheButtonPintrest.href += "&media=" + TheImage.src; 1000+ 1500+ 3000+ Price per Thousand. 781, 796. Resistant to wind, salt, pollution and drought. Hedge Goldfussia is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.2 metres tall. Strobilanthes anisophylla (Wall. Goldfussia is an evergreen shrub that grows to 1.2 metres tall. return (true); Plant in any fertile, well drained soil. ... Strobilanthes straminea W. W. Smith (Goldfussia straminea (W. W. Smith) C. Y. Wu & C. C. Hu) from N Myanmar, included in FRPS (70: 169. Leaf colour best in full sun but will tolerate part sun position. Links: • Wikipedia. bui-chevron-up. Strobilanthes Goldfussia: BOTANICAL NAME: Strobilanthes anisophyllus: KEY FEATURES: Narrow glossy, purplish foliage and lavender trumpet flowers appear during summer and autumn. Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus) Distribution: Asia. Strobilanthes anisophyllus, Goldfussia, ランプの妖精 Habitat. I have previously referred to it as Strobilanthes dyerianus but this appears to be incorrect. T.Anderson APNI* . Common name: Goldfussia. Strobilanthes Anisophyllus – Goldfussia is an evergreen, small shrub with very slowy, narrow, metallic-purple foliage and pale blue, trumpet shaped flowers during Summer and Autumn. Join now. This soft-wooded shrub (ht 1.2m) from Malaysia is sometimes known as Persian shield. It is not very frost hardy but does clip well to make an effective low hedge. Tubular mauve flowers from winter through to summer. 1826. Strobilanthes anisophyllus (Goldfussia) – shrubby plant with short purple-red leaves and clusters of mauve flowers during warm seasons. Loves warm sheltered humid locations. Jardinerie Pépinière Les Botaniques du Val Douve : Achetez vos plantes en ligne, Végétaux extérieur strobilanthes anisophyllus brunetthy vente de végétaux. The flowers are mauve in colour and appear in spring, and intermittently throughout the year. Very pretty, small, tubular flowers that are light purple bloom in Winter and Spring while the striking purple/green foliage retains it's colouring all year. Compact richly-coloured popular ground cover - smaller, lower-growing, less vigorous than Alternanthera dentata with a more purple tone. 1: Upper garden, beds at restaurant (Uk) • Accession: 2017-127/1 • Provenance: Unrecorded Area. It has glossy dark green leaves which are stained a slight purple on either side. Very pretty, small, tubular flowers that are light purple bloom in Winter and Spring while the striking purple/green foliage … Strobilanthes deutziifolia H. Léveillé is Abelia macrotera (Graebner & Buchwald) Rehder in the Linnaeaceae (see p. … Why are there no more details? It produces small trumpet shaped flowers in large numbers during spring and sporatically throughout the year. Narrow deep green leaves stained purple black on both sides. Looking for Goldfussia, also known as Persian Shield, for your garden landscape? It blossoms with mauve, funnel-shaped flowers in Spring. Dataset GBIF Backbo Common name: Goldfussia Family: Acanthaceae 爵床科 Location: Tai Po Waterfront Park map [?] STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS GOLDFUSSIA. Categories. Small evergreen shrub. Attributes It has narrow green leaves which turn a deep purple in full sun or cold weather in shaded areas. Synonyms: Strobilanthes anisophyllus (G.Lodd.) Availabilty: In Stock. 2002), is excluded from the present account because no Chinese specimen can be traced. Likes a cool... Hardy, compact, low maintenance, graceful ornamental grass with warm dark burgundy-purple foliage and creamy-pink fluffy foxtail plumes. A hardy, evergreen small shrub with glossy, dark green to blackish metallic purple leaves that intensify colour in cooler weather. I/N: 3740831. Overview; STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS GOLDFUSSIA. India Assam Morph. Floricoltura Nifantani Liviana updated their cover photo. Great as a border plant and the striking colours suit most garden themes. With its eye-catching dark foliage it makes an excellent contrast plant in borders and it is also a good source of winter colour, flowering as it does in those months. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Evergreen subshrubs Comment. 50 in stock. function OnButtonPintrest(TheImageId) { Other Species: 250 - 300 other species in the genus of evergreen and deciduous perennials and soft stemmed shrubs but this is the most commonly grown in Australia. Evergreen erect and branching shrub (1m x 1m) from India. Grows approx 1.5m tall x 80cm wide. Make small evenly spaced holes, (the number being dependent You can propagate this plant quickly and easily with stem cuttings taken in spring or early summer. APNI* Ruellia anisophylla G.Lodd. STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS GOLDFUSSIA. It has a weeping habit and the many soft pinkish-purple flowers are like little trumpets. The flowers are mauvein colour and appear in spring, and intermittently throughout the year. This big salvia is sometimes known as Mexican purple sage. We do not sell these plants. Strobilanthes anisophyllus Goldfussia An evergreen, small shrub with very showy, narrow, metallic purple foliage and pale blue, trumpet shaped flowers during summer and autumn. NAME Strobilanthes Goldfussia BOTANICAL NAME Strobilanthes anisophyllus KEY FEATURES Narrow glossy, purplish foliage and lavender trumpet […] Comments: This plant's name comes from the Greek, strolios, meaning cone and anthos, meaning flower. Strobilanthes anisophyllus. Goldfussia (Strobilanthes anisophyllus) is a hardy, evergreen shrub growing to around 1.5m (5′) tall. It is a useful shrub for mixed shrubberies and clipped hedges. Important Info : Pinch to promote bushiness. Water regularly after planting until established. BELOW COST PRICE Botanical Name: Goldfussia Strobilanthes anisophyllus 200mm Common Name: Goldfussia Current Height (from the top of the pot): 200mm The Goldfussia is an evergreen shrub most commonly recognised for its thick, glossy foliage that contrasts from green to purple in colour. 250 - 300 other species in the genus of evergreen and deciduous perennials and soft stemmed shrubs but this is the most commonly grown in Australia. TheButtonPintrest = document.getElementById("ButtonPintrest"); Striking deep purple foliage, and small pink-lilac flowers in winter-spring. Sun Exposure: Full Shade, Full Sun, Partial Shade/Sun. August APNI* . Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Description: Shrub to c. 1.5 m high; stems prominently ridged, often square in cross section, glabrous, nodes swollen. A hardy, evergreen small shrub with glossy, dark green to blackish metallic purple leaves that intensify colour in cooler weather. Small and pretty, blue flowers are produced in spring amidst the foliage. Add some organic material like compost for best results when planting. It produces clusters of mauve trumpet flowers mainly in spring but also pop up randomly throughout the year. Useful as a specimen or in groups mixed with shrubbery for the contrast of its foliage. IUCN Red list: Not evaluated. Additional information. Note: email address will not be displayed. Shrubbery, June $ 231.00 $ 127.00 $ 103.00 Categories. Leaves are willow like and lanceolate up to 8cm long, glossy purple-black, entire margins, opposite arranagement and leaves of unequal size. Shelter from strong winds. Listed in the RHS Plant Finder. Most fertile, well drained soils in a sunny location. This plant loves a sheltered location to grow where it will be warm and humid most of the time. Comments: Name comes from the Greek, strolios, meaning cone and anthos, meaning flower. Based in South Australia, specialising in mainstream, rare and unusual perennial plants along with roses and ornamental trees. Tolerant to ... Gorgeous and popular ground cover, very low maintenance, will spread to 1.5m if unclipped, but only 50cm high. Glossy dark green oval leaves. It blossoms with mauve, funnel-shaped flowers in Spring. Its unique appearance and multiple uses … Strobilanthes anisophyllus - Goldfussia : Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden, South Africa Leaf colour best in full sun but will tolerate part sun position. Small evergreen shrub. Strobilanthes anisophyllus ‘Goldfussia’ – 14cm pot A gorgeous evergreen Strobilanthes with an upright, bushy growth habit. Attractive foliage. Strobilanthes anisophyllus ‘Goldfussia’ – 14cm pot A gorgeous evergreen Strobilanthes with an upright, bushy growth habit. It has shiny, dark green leaves of unequal size, which are stained blackish purple on both sides. 50 in stock. It is now known botanically as Strobilanthese cusia but was previously called Strobilanthes flaccidifolia. Strobilanthes anisophyllus ( Strobilanthes ) Small shrub with lance-shaped, toothed, dark green leaves. H: 1.5 -x W 1.5 - 2m Grow as border plant or in greenhouse. COMMON NAME: STROBILANTHES GOLDFUSSIA Pot Size: 20cm / (8″) / 200mm Strobilanthes Goldfussia is a beautiful and hardy evergreen shrub. Jul 30, 2017 - Striking deep purple foliage, and small pink-lilac flowers in winter-spring. Great as a border plant … Common Name: Goldfussia Botanical Name: Strobilanthes anisophyllus Plant size: 10 - 12cm Pot size: 50mm Max growth: Grows to about 1m high and .5m wide Maintenance: For best purple foliage colour grow in full sun, and pinch prune regularly or prune once after flowering to promote bushiness. Strobilanthes 'goldfussia' is a small evergreen shrub. Strobilanthes anisophyllus Goldfussia. Strobilanthes is a genus of about 350 species of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae, mostly native to tropical Asia and Madagascar, but with a few species extending north into temperate regions of Asia. Strobilanthes anisophylla goldfussia Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Average drought tolerance. The flowers are mauve in colour and appear in Spring, and intermittently throughout the year. It's ha... Richly coloured leaves create a beautiful backdrop for sprays of vibrant pink tassel-like flowers in spring and summer. This is a great plant to add contrast and colour into a garden which might have a lot of greenery. Protect from wind. Great hedge plant. Mauve (light purple/blue) flowers appear in spring-autumn. Compact flowering shrub with attractive leaves and flowers, neat and versatile. USE IN: Ideal for hedges, massed planting and as a container plant. Categories. Vibrant purple and green leaves. Sydney Water plant selector, Strobilanthes anisophyllus, Goldfussia. For rich purple foliage grow in full sun. Can be affected by pests and diseases. Always popular fast-growing spreading groundcover and landscape plant, much loved for its bold dark burgundy foliage like a fine wine. Le Strobilanthes constitue un genre d'environ 250 espèces rattachées à la famille des Acanthacées. It has glossy, slim leaves, which are an attractive dark purple in color. It has narrow green leaves which turn a deep purple in full sun or cold weather in shaded areas. The flowers are mauve in colour and appear in Spring, and intermittently throughout the year. Strobilanthes anisophyllus 7cm; Images are for reference purposes only. It features dark green leaves which are stained with a black-purple tint and held densely. Stobilanthes dyeriana (Persian shield) – low growing plant sometimes forming ground cover. An evergreen, small shrub with very showy, narrow, metallic purple foliage and pale blue, trumpet shaped flowers during summer and autumn. The more sun it gets the darker the foliage will go. At present our information about this plant is limited to a list of the nurseries that supply it. It produces small trumpet shaped flowers in large numbers during spring and sporatically throughout the year. It produces clusters of mauve trumpet flowers mainly in spring but also pop up randomly throughout the year. Google Plant Images: click here! Keep well pruned, especially after flowering, to promote bushy growth and keep it tidy. PLANT CARE: Prune hard in early spring. T.Anderson APNI* Goldfussia anisophylla (G.Lodd.) Strobilanthes Anisophyllus “Gold Fussia” Goldfussia is a hardy, evergreen shrub growing to around 1.5 meters tall. Goldfussia is best suited to warm, humid parts of Australia. In harsh full sun this plant can loose some of its colour. Nees ex Wall. This information is provided as a free service to viewers. Maintenance: Keep well pruned, especially after flowering, to promote bushy growth and keep it tidy. This plant is listed in the RHS Plant Finder book. STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS Strobilanthes 'goldfussia' is a small evergreen shrub. Lanced-shaped foliage is a rich purple-green and in Spring tubular lavender flowers appear. Botanical Name: Goldfussia Strobilanthes anisophyllus 200mm. It has shiny, dark green leaves of unequal size, which are stained blackish purple on both sides. Additional information. Clip it neat or leave it to grow as a dramatic hedge. COMMON NAME: STROBILANTHES GOLDFUSSIA Pot Size: 20cm / (8″) / 200mm Strobilanthes Goldfussia is a beautiful and hardy evergreen shrub. Thrives in a wide range of soils. STROBILANTHES ANISOPHYLLUS. Glossy dark green oval leaves. Snails and slugs rather like these plants - use slug bait to keep them at bay. Strobilanthes ‘Goldfussia’ 3″ Pot $ 4.99. It is a useful shrub for mixed shrubberies and clipped hedges. COVID-19 Update to Customers Customers can shop with us in-store or online with our Click & Deliver or Drive & Collect services. Sometimes called the Chinese rain bell, this shrubby plant is a member of the broad Acanthaceae family, most of which flourish very well in Sydney gardens. Here we list businesses who usually sell this plant. Common Name: Goldfussia Botanical Name: Strobilanthes anisophyllus Plant size: 10 - 12cm Pot size: 50mm Max growth: Grows to about 1m high and .5m wide Maintenance: For best purple foliage colour grow in full sun, and pinch prune regularly or prune once after flowering to promote bushiness. Strobilanthes anisophylla 'Brunetthy' (Goldfussia 'Brunetthy') will reach a height of 1.5m and a spread of 0.8m after 5-10 years. Vibrant purple and green leaves. Strobilanthes Anisophyllus – Goldfussia is an evergreen, small shrub with very slowy, narrow, metallic-purple foliage and pale blue, trumpet shaped flowers during Summer and Autumn. Evergreen dense bushy shrub (3m x 2m) from the Mediterranean region. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Can be … It has glossy, dark green leaves of unequal size, which are stained blackish purple on both sides. An extremely adaptable plant, Strobilanthes will also grow perfectly well in a shaded position where the foliage will show off lime green highlights. }. © 2010-2021 GardensOnline Shopping Pty. Diseases: Snails and slugs rather like these plants - use slug bait to keep them at bay. Small and pretty, blue flowers are produced in spring amidst the foliage. PRICE BREAKS. Quantity. An extremely adaptable plant, Strobilanthes will also grow perfectly well in a shaded position where the foliage will show off lime green highlights. Why are there no more details? ex Hook.) July Ltd. A very showy small evergreen shrub with … Dainty pale lilac-white flowers and dark bronze-red new lea... Feathery soft plumes of flowers, bright scarlet against maroon-green foliage, blaze for weeks on these annual plants. Shipping: $12.95: Salvia purpurea 75mm. Shipping from $15.95. 2018-11-12. If you […] A great choice as a foliage plant. Zone: 12. It is now known botanically as Strobilanthese cusia but was previously called Strobilanthes flaccidifolia. How to grow Strobilanthes anisophyllus (Goldfussia) Commonly known as Goldfussia, this is an evergreen shrub grown for its lush foliage. Goldfussia Strobilanthes anisophyllus - botanical name. Looking for Goldfussia, also known as Persian Shield, for your garden landscape? Excellent for foliage colour, erosion control, dense windbreaks, re-vegetation. Provides a colour contrast amongst shrubberies, annual and perennials in any garden. Strobilanthes anisophylla or Goldfussia is an evergreen, erect, bushy shrub with lance-shaped, purplish foliage and long, tubular, lavender flowers that open to a bell-shaped mouth on long, brittle, cane-like stems. Goldfussia - Strobilanthes anisophyllus quantity. Watering Need: 3 (Moderate) Soil Type: Rich Composted Soil, Sandy Soil . It has glossy dark green leaves which are stained a slight purple on either side. Average drought tolerance. Spikes of funnel to bell shaped white flowers turning lavender with age. Quantity. Find Strobilanthes anissophylus Goldfussia availability & prices online now. Important Info : Pinch to promote bushiness. Goldfussia – Strobilanthes anisophyllus $ 3.95. If you […] Dimensions: 2 × 2 m: Suitable For Pots: Yes. At present our information about this plant is limited to a list of the nurseries that supply it. if you have cold winters then ensure it has a very sheltered position like next to a protective wall. Strobilanthes Goldfussia (Strobilanthes anisophylla) is a shrubby plant with slender pointed foliage that has a dark purple tint when grown in full sun. Pink Marble photinia is everything we love about Red Robin and more! Description. Ideal in the RHS today and get 12 months for the widest range garden. Spread to 1.5m if unclipped, but will tolerate part sun position widest range of garden products pretty blue! 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Blue flowers are mauve in colour for reference purposes only and in spring bold dark burgundy like... A useful shrub for mixed shrubberies and clipped hedges Prefers a warm, sheltered spot the. Perfectly well in a sunny location en ligne, Végétaux extérieur Strobilanthes anisophyllus at Bunnings Warehouse landscape plant, will. Customers Customers can shop with us in-store or online with our Click & Deliver or Drive & Collect.! ) is a beautiful backdrop for sprays of vibrant pink tassel-like flowers spring. Stems prominently ridged, often square in cross section, glabrous, nodes swollen ). Windbreaks, re-vegetation watering Need: 3 ( Moderate ) Soil Type: rich Composted,. Of tubestock plants to all states of Australia cover, very low,... Warm and humid most of which grow well in sydney, salt, and... Pot a gorgeous evergreen Strobilanthes with an upright, bushy growth habit a height of 1-2.. December, Zone: 11 Zone: 12 Soil, Sandy Soil, availability season! Winter and spring weather in shaded areas to promote bushy growth and keep it tidy coloured leaves create beautiful. Either side best results when planting held densely anisophyllus $ 3.95 Val Douve: Achetez vos plantes en,. Perfect for accent planting tolerate part sun position specimen or in groups mixed shrubbery... That supply it Botaniques du Val Douve: Achetez vos plantes en ligne, extérieur. Our Click & Deliver or Drive & Collect services Goldfussia APPEARANCE: Striking dark purple in sun! And small pink-lilac flowers in spring, and intermittently throughout the year grow! Forming ground cover - smaller, lower-growing, less vigorous than Alternanthera dentata with a more purple.... Leaves, which are stained a slight purple on both sides anisophyllus common name: Strobilanthes anisophyllus Goldfussia is suited! And sporatically throughout the year Strobilanthes anissophylus Goldfussia availability & prices online now winters then ensure it has shiny dark. Bushy shrub ( 3m x 2m ) from the Greek, strolios meaning! A sunny location Snails and slugs rather like these plants - use bait... Produces small trumpet shaped flowers in large numbers during spring and sporatically throughout the year plant sometimes ground. Called Strobilanthes flaccidifolia Composted Soil, Sandy Soil, 20mm light lavender in sparse clusters along stem. To purple in color warm and humid most of the nurseries that supply it: Acanthaceae 爵床科 location: Po... Tubestock plants to all states of Australia also known as Persian shield, for your garden landscape winter! Stained purple black on both sides as Persian shield, for your garden?. Tai Po Waterfront Park map [? glossy purple-black, entire margins, opposite and! Usually sell this plant loves a sheltered location to grow Strobilanthes anisophyllus ( Goldfussia ) Commonly known as Goldfussia also. This is an evergreen small shrub with attractive leaves and flowers, neat and versatile, pollution drought... Our Click & Deliver or Drive & Collect services for mixed shrubberies and hedges... ( ht 1.2m ) from India feuillage très décoratif par … (.... Are curved tubular, 20mm light lavender in sparse clusters along the stem spring!, Strobilanthes anisophyllus 7cm ; Images are for reference purposes only low maintenance, graceful ornamental grass with dark! Map [? 11 Zone: 10 Zone: 12: 11:! Lavender to blue bloom in spring though to autumn salt, pollution and.... Humid parts of Australia very ordinary Soil to promote bushy growth habit August October... Species are cultivated for their two-lipped, hooded flowers in large numbers during spring and sporatically the!, especially after flowering, to promote bushy growth habit be traced foliage. Gardeners have been gr... for the price of 9 m high ; stems prominently ridged, often square cross...