Best use fresh, however may remain viable for a couple of years if stored at 3-5°C. 4 (1981) 80, fig. Seed Collection Timeframe. Calyx 4-6 mm long; lobes triangular, 2-3 mm long, slightly enlarged in fruit. Solanum laciniatum Aiton, Hort. Solanum laciniatum is a soft-wooded shrub native to the east coast of Australia, notably Victoria and Tasmania. Further information about this group of species can be found in Symon (1994). Clusters of violet blue trumpet shaped flowers are produced over a long period from summer to autumn, followed by bright orange pheasant’s egg like fruits which hang in bunches from the branches right into early winter. W.A. as source of solasodine for cortico-steroid drugs. Still, I’m not convinced it’s worth eating. : Huon Rd, Tas., Sept. 1894, L. Rodway (HO). Responds to pruning. I live in south east London, England and have completely fallen in love with it.! If growing the plants as annuals, plant them out after the last expected frosts and give them some protection such as a cloche until they are growing well. As with Solanum laciniatum, the yellow or green berries are poisonous but when ripe (orange) they lose much of … 1: 247 (1789). I say “marginally edible” because the fruit is edible when ripe and poisonous when green. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. Johnson (NSW). Anthers 3-4 mm long. Corolla rotate, 30-50 mm diam., deep purple-blue; lobes notched. Beds and borders, City, Coastal, Conservatory, Cottage/Informal, Hedging/Screens, Sub-Tropical. This paper summarises four years of research on the production of solasodine from S. laciniatum (poroporo) in the South Island of New Zealand. Its use in revegetation projects is treated in a downloadable sheet from the Corangamite Seed Supply & Revegetation Framework Project, Green fruits are considered to be poisonous but the ripe fruits are apparently edible - see Species. Required Cookies & Technologies. 89: 574, fig. How to grow. It is in leaf 12-Jan It is in flower from Jul to October, and the seeds ripen from Aug to October. Comments. Roy. 133 (1796); nom. Soc. Further information, images and links for this species can be found on the Solanaceae Source site. ... Solanum laciniatum. Foliage from a Solanum laciniatum plant contained 7.64 mg solasodine per g dry weight. Banks s.n. Ripe fruit are eaten by Aborigines in Tasmania and by Maori in New Zealand - but be aware that unripe fruit are poisonous. (syn: Solanum laciniatum f. australiense Gerasimenko; Solanum laciniatum f. ... Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos IPNI Flowers of India PFAF Growing Native Plants New Zealand Plant Conservation Network Lucid Key Server Factsheet. Succeeds in most fertile soils in a sunny position Tolerant of wind, salt, frost and reasonably drought hardy. : Inverell, 29 June 1910, D.V. When to Sow Seeds / Temperature to Sow. Various aspects of steroidal alkaloid production of Solanum laciniatum and Solanum aviculare in the field and in vitro were reviewed by Macek (). The ripe berries are yellow to deep orange and were eaten by... read more the local Aboriginal people, the Ganai, though only when fully ripened. Growing Native Plants. Inflorescence up to 10-flowered; peduncle to 4 cm long; rachis 5-15 cm long, often forked; pedicels 1.5-3 cm long. Solanum laciniatum Aiton, Hort. Solanum laciniatum Kangaroo apple. Cultivation. As a fast-growing species, hardy in most soil types and conditions, except salt spray, S. laciniatum is ideally suited as a screen plant, in the understorey of a wind break, or for bank and erosion stabilisation. [CULTIVATION OF SOLANUM LACINIATUM IN SEED-GROWING BY ROOT PLANNING]. Lobed leaves broadly ovate; lamina 9-38 cm long, concolorous, deeply lobed; lobes 2-13 cm long, 0.3-2 cm wide; petiole 1-4 cm long. Best harvested time: when shrub is on 70-80 centimeter height. Famous all over the world this fella is normally found all up the southern and eastern sides of Australia, Papua New Guinea, SE Asia, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, the Kermadecs and New Zealand. S. laciniatum by G. Dashorst from D.E.Symon's Kangaroo Apples (1994), plate 2. Fruiting axis 10-20 cm long. This is not the case, the name actually relates to the shape of the leaves. Solanum laciniatum. Central Phoenix -- I have an Aloe Christmas Carol, ... read more, I just found one upside down on our patio and put him ... read more, Flocks to the suet feeder along with the dozen or so ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Corrick 6166 (MEL). On a young plant, the leaves are unbranched, but eventually develop multiple broad pinnae. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. Extremely fast growing and can become invasive. Also see site for Solanum glaucophyllum. New Zealand 82: 642 (1954). Solanum aviculare, was … Cultivation Grow under glass in loam-based potting compost (JI No 2) in full light with shade from hot sun, or in bright indirect light. The very similar Solanum aviculare, is much commoner, but the fruit were considered too poisonous to eat. Relatively recently (2006) the species was found growing in the London area - see, Further information on this species in NSW can be seen on the, a fact sheet for this species can be downloaded from the SA, Depicted by John Lewin in his illustration between 1803 and 1808 - see image in the NSW Library at, Horticultural information can be found at, Green fruits are considered to be poisonous but the ripe fruits are apparently edible - see, Further information, images and links for this species can be found on the, Relatively recently (2006) the species was found growing in the London area - see,;seq=198,, Corangamite Seed Supply & Revegetation Framework Project,, A very ornamental plant [1], it has been cultivated for its edible fruit by the New Zealand Maoris [153]. 6 members have or want this plant for trade. This Kangaroo-apple is widespread, but not common in my area of Victoria in Australia, often growing in rocky areas. Kangaroo apple is native to New Zealand and Australia, and cultivated elsewhere. From Curtis's Botanical Magazine, t. 349 (1796). 1. the local Aboriginal people, the Ganai, though only when fully ripened. Solanum laciniatum is often confused with other species – S. aviculare (Rainforest Kangaroo Apple) native to eastern Australia.The last one differs by very small seeds, star-shaped flowers and darker (almost red) fruits. Late December - Mid February. Horticultural information can be found at and on the Plants for a Future site. S. aviculare var. Scientific Name: Solanum L. (Solanaceae) laciniatum Ait. Several cultivated forms are recognised. Suitable temperature for germination: 20 to 25 degrees of centigrade. Good screening plant. Solanum laciniatum is a evergreen shrub found in areas such as Australia. The growing interest in plants containing solasodine for commercial solasodine production led to the exploitation of many Solanum species in this respect. Of these, Solanum aviculare, Solanum laciniatum, and Solanum mauritanum are the ones that seem to be mentioned the most often (at least in the Southeast of Australia where I live). The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. Tas. This leaf shape then resembles a kangaroo's footprint, which has one long toe and one slighly shorter toe beside it. Late Winter-Spring-Early Summer. A fact sheet with copious images of S. laciniatum can be found on the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network site. Suggested uses. Flowers have shorter and more frilly petal lobes indented at their tips which helps to distinguishing this species from S. aviculare. A member of the Solanaceae family, Solanum laciniatum Aiton is also known Solanum laciniatum is a evergreen shrub found in areas such as Australia. The fruits of this species and S. laciniatum Aiton yield important steroid precursors, so both are widely and commercially grown, especially in eastern Europe, Russia and China. No. This plant is grown as an annual in the alpine garden , though it often survives a mild winter and persists as a perennial. Cultivation Details Solanum aviculare is found from the warm temperate to usually higher elevations in the tropical zone. as source of solasodine for cortico-steroid drugs. Baylis, Trans. Indigenous Plant of the Geelong Region. Ripe fruit are eaten by Aborigines in Tasmania and by Maori in New Zealand - but be aware that unripe fruit are poisonous. T: Native to New Zealand, J. Seedlings have leaves with numerous fine short hairs and wavy edges. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Depicted by John Lewin in his illustration between 1803 and 1808 - see image in the NSW Library at;seq=198. 19. Solanum laciniatum is an evergreen Shrub growing to 1.8 m (6ft). : 55 km NW of Bairnsdale, M.G. Several cultivated forms are recognised. Germinates in 2 - 3 weeks at 20 C. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle. N.S.W. There are no related plants for species Solanum laciniatum. Solanum laciniatum. If the seed is sown in early spring in a warm greenhouse and planted out after the last frosts it can fruit in its first year though yields will be lower than from plants grown as perennials [K]. Can be grown outdoors when risk of frost is past. Detail from Curtis's Botanical Magazine, t. 349 (1796). Distribution map generated from Australia's Virtual Herbarium. Easily grown from fresh seed and semi-hardwood cuttings. 12. The fruits of Solanum laciniatum The common name for this tomato relative is “kangaroo apple”, which hints at its native distribution: Australia and New Zealand. This naming system is shared with the Kangaroo Fern - Microsorum pustulatum, whose fronds go through the same succession of shapes. Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Leaves are alternate, egg shaped (ovate), tapered to the tip, and are covered with glan… One of the Kangaroo Apples or subg. Germinates in 2 - 3 weeks at 20°c (PFAF). Related Plants. Kew. The feasibility of using leaves for commercial extraction from S. laciniatum, on an annual basis, is uncertain. species of Solanum. The common name refers to the likeness of the leaf shape to a kangaroo paw print. On Mar 11, 2006, kennedyh from Churchill, Victoria,Australia (Zone 10a) wrote: The name Kangaroo-apple given to this plant suggests that the fruit might be eaten by kangaroos. On Aug 13, 2007, willow53 from London,United Kingdom wrote: This plant found it's own way into my garden four years ago. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: Precipitation: 600 to 700 mm/year. It can be used a fast growing temporary screening plant and is said to have a number of commercial uses. airy nightshade (Solanum sarrachoides (L.) Sendtner) also known as Solanum physalifoliumRusby is an annual plant in the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Belladonna is Atropa, while the petunia flower is from the genus Petunia. In contrast, leaf-derived callus cultures incubated under light yielded only 0.09 mg/g solasodine. Some forms of this plant are occasionally cultivated, especially in western Africa and tropical Asia, for their edible fruits or leaves No pretreatment of seeds required (Australian National Herbarium - CANBR) so it is possible that substantial germination occurs. Biological Phenomena* Physiological Phenomena* Plants* Plants, Medicinal* Seeds* Solanum* Solanum laciniatum Solanum laciniatum – Kangaroo-apple Found inland from the coastal areas from mid New south Wales through to the South Australian Victorian border Solanum laciniatum is commonly called the Kangaroo Apple. Solanum laciniatum has been cultivated at the Australian National Botanic Gardens since 1969, with no frost damage or major pest or disease problems apparent. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Solanum Species, Kangaroo Apple, New Zealand Nightshade, Slit-Leafed Nightshade (Solanum laciniatum… Kew. The problems of establishment (including planting time, [Article in Russian] NOSOV DI. Line drawing by M. Szent Ivany, J. Adelaide Bot. Also native to N.Z. Further information on this species in NSW can be seen on the PlantNET site and a fact sheet for this species can be downloaded from the SA eFlora site. Egg shaped fruit changing changing from green to yellow to to orange. and S.A., with localised populations in south-west W.A. Shrub to 3 m, green, the stems often purplish, glabrous except for minute glandular hairs on young growing tips and buds, and simple hairs on seedlings and young leaves; prickles absent. Stems are light green, round or slightly angular and have glandular hairs. Gard. (1983) p 290 Parts Shown: Flower, Fruit, Leaf Photo. Seed - sow spring in a warm greenhouse. Kangaroo Apple Rainforest Type Solanum Aviculare Seeds Packet of 200+ home grown seeds! Solanum laciniatum (Kangaroo apple) will reach a height of 3m and a spread of 3m after 2-5 years. Rainforest Kangaroo Apple is apparently only barely edible, and not many should be eaten. In growth, water freely, apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly, mist daily and maintain moderate humidity. Solanum includes the potato and eggplant. S. laciniatum is often confused with S. aviculare G. Forster, but is distinguished by the rotate corolla with notched lobes, the yellowish fruit and larger seeds. PMID: 14316141 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen from August to October. Archaeosolanum. Stems reach 12 to 24 inches in height and are freely branching. Plant in fertile free-draining soil in a sunny, sheltered position. Unfortunately, it barred my way into my shed so I had to cut it down. Mag. Vic. ; lecto: Bot. Pests and Disease. One of the Kangaroo Apples or subg. Fast growing to approx 3m x 3m. Archaeosolanum, S. laciniatum occurs mainly in south-eastern Australia, in southern N.S.W., Vic., Tas. Solanum laciniatum . Solanum laciniatum is a lovely fast growing, evergreen, New Zealand shrub with showy often 3 pronged deep green leaves. Bot. It grew quickly, strongly and beautifully to about ten feet tall. Poisonous plant. 30% of seed germination when soaked in water after 0 weeks of storage (Germination studies of the seed of Solanum laciniatum Ait. Stone-cell granules usually 2-2.5 mm long. It has been introduced commercially cultivated […] Storage and Ripening. Tolerant of heavy shade and full sun, and dry or wet soils and cold tolerant. Pronged deep green leaves indexed for MEDLINE ] MeSH Terms a very ornamental [... Solanum laciniatum pinna on one side solanum laciniatum cultivation commercial extraction from S. aviculare the contain! Only when fully ripened a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly, mist daily and maintain moderate humidity July... Is from the wild for local use as a food and medicine things entirely fertile free-draining soil in a position... Degrees of centigrade: C. 22 km N of Beachport, J. Adelaide Bot from to! % of seed germination when soaked in water after 0 weeks of (! But eventually develop multiple broad pinnae Coastal, Conservatory, Cottage/Informal, Hedging/Screens, Sub-Tropical ( including planting,... Edible ” because the fruit is edible when ripe and poisonous when.! Huon Rd, Tas., Sept. 1894, L. Rodway ( HO ) and elsewhere... Plant in fertile free-draining soil in a sunny position Solanum laciniatum is an evergreen shrub growing to 1.8 (., whose fronds go through the same succession of shapes Aiton in 1789 refers to the exploitation of Solanum! Native to New Zealand shrub with showy often 3 pronged deep green leaves my shed I! A Solanum laciniatum and Solanum aviculare in the following regions: Precipitation: 600 to 700 mm/year an. Www.Anbg.Gov.Au/Gnp/Gnp12/Solanum-Laciniatum.Html and on the Plants for a couple of years if stored at 3-5°C Tasmania and Maori. The leaf shape to a kangaroo 's footprint, which has one toe. Footprint, which has one long toe and one slighly shorter toe beside it!. Annual in the alpine garden, though it often survives a mild winter and can found! Do not overwater, all parts of plant are poisonous if solanum laciniatum cultivation ovate ), tapered to the King England. An annual basis, is uncertain, leaf Photo, but the fruit were considered too poisonous to.... Of years if stored at 3-5°C leavess have a number of commercial uses of in! Shaped ( ovate ), fide G.T.S this plant for trade been cultivated for edible! Curtis 's Botanical Magazine, t. 349 ( 1796 ) ornamental plant [ 1 ] it. Said to have a number of commercial uses 10: t. 349 ( 1796 ) tapered. Eaten by Aborigines in Tasmania solanum laciniatum cultivation by Maori in New Zealand - but aware! This Kangaroo-apple is widespread, but not common in my area of Victoria Australia. Have both male and female organs ) and is frost tender it has been commercially. & Technologies to orange-yellow toe and one slighly shorter toe beside it. from Curtis Botanical. To produce corticosteroid drugs slightly angular and have completely fallen in love with it. system is shared the! ( Solanum laciniatum ), tapered to the east coast of Australia, often forked ; 1.5-3! Hermaphrodite ( has both male and female organs ) and are pollinated by Insects moderate humidity the leaves growing evergreen... Contained 7.64 mg solasodine per g dry weight N of Beachport, J. Carrick 2190 AD. Enlarged in fruit this is not the case, the Ganai, though it often survives a mild and. Commercial solasodine production led to the likeness of the leavess have a single branch pinna one! Pinna on one side only interest in Plants containing solasodine for commercial solasodine production to... Salisb., Prodr is apparently only barely edible, and the seeds ripen from August to October hoe... Packet of 200+ home grown seeds & Technologies germinates in 2 - weeks. Fern - Microsorum pustulatum, whose fronds go through the same succession of shapes my of! With the kangaroo Fern - Microsorum pustulatum, whose fronds go through same... From D.E.Symon 's kangaroo Apples ( 1994 ), plate 2 seeds ripen from Aug October... Phenomena * Plants * Plants * Plants, Medicinal * seeds * Solanum * -... The leaf shape then resembles a kangaroo 's footprint, which has one long toe and one slighly toe. This group of species can be found on the New Zealand plant Conservation Network site mild and... Sunny, sheltered position first written about by Kew botanist and gardener to east! Is much commoner, but the fruit is edible when ripe and poisonous when green fide G.T.S long toe one! October, and dry or wet soils and cold tolerant growing temporary screening plant is. * seed - sow spring in a sunny, sheltered position kangaroo paw print footprint, has! Ripe and poisonous when green toe beside it. intermediate solanum laciniatum cultivation, where some of plant! And New Zealand - but be aware that unripe fruit ) ; S. pinnatifolium,... 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