But,... Introduction to Micro Irrigation Introduction To Square Foot Gardening: Soybean Farming Information Detailed Guide:- It... Introduction: Hello fruit farmers we are back witj cultivation income of Jamun from 1 acre farming. Express TV the 24/7 Telugu news channel dedicated to Infotainment content. Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) is a species of melon that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. Bottom Line of Cantaloupe Farming:- Growing Cantaloupe/Musk melon fruit as precision crop is highly profitable. transportation. And to everyone’s surprise, Khetaji crop yielded 140 tonnes of muskmelon within 70 days of sowing the seeds. This fruit is being used as desert fruit and also eaten fresh. The following information is about Dairy Farming FAQ. Spinach Farming in India Let us discuss today, the polyhouse subsidy, profit, cost, and economics. Introduction to Gramapriya Chicken Breed: With little or no cultivation it can flourish in poor soils and on rocky terrain. Karachi,... Introduction: Hello farmers, we are back with a great informatin on integrated fish and duck Farming. Many people are sending questions about Organic farming. Meet Pramod, a former automobile engineer who switched to farming in 2006, and now gets a yearly turnover of a crore, after implementing a radically different method of cultivation. Please suggest the process. Loamy and... Cleft Grafting Here we are presenting Greenhouse Farming FAQ or Questions about Protected environment cultivation. Tamarind is adapted to a wide range of ecological conditions, reflecting its wide geographical distribution in the sub and semi-arid tropics. If you are planning for growing olives, you must read the following Frequently Asked Questions... FAQ’s on Dragon Fruit Cultivation / Frequently Asked Questions About Dragon Fruit Farming: The fruit was delivered to Kashmir through a dealer who got him Rs 21 lakhs! Basically, it is a... Introduction of Amrit Mahal Cattle Breed Cleft grafting is a grafting method which allows the union... Introduction to fenugreek pests and diseases 80 : Muskmelon : Arka Jeet : … Today, we talk about Bee Pollination and its importance. Integrated fish farming is the system that blending... Introduction: Hello livestock farmers, we are back with a great information of rabbit farming business plan in India, cost and profit margin in rabbit... Aquaculture subsidy schemes, loans and eligibility: As India is endowed with vast resources in terms of ponds, tanks, rivers, canals, reservoirs, lakes and other... Gongura farming or Roselle Farming Organic farming maximizes the use of on-farm resources... HYDROPONIC GARDENING: Quinoa is a product from a flowering grain crop belonging to the amaranth family and considered... Introduction to Coconut Cultivation Project Report These fruit seeds take 3 to 5 days for germination. They require warm dry weather as major growth period and longer day length for flowering. Introduction. © Copyright 2021, AgriFarming | All Rights Reserved. Post-harvest management of produce is a highly important aspect... Mushroom Farming Project Report: Description of Carnation :- This is one of the beautiful flowers after rose and commercially cultivated crop in greenhouse. Growing Squash In Containers: Vegetables are very important sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants providing human health benefits. Garlic is a bulbous plant species belonging to the... Introduction: Hello friends, today we are here with Bajra Cultivation Income (Peral Millets/Sajjalu), Yield and Project Report for 1 one acre plantation.Pearl millet is... Introduction: Hello friends today we came up with a topic of wheat cultivation income, yield, cost of cultivation in 1 acre farming. For sheep farming and Goat farming in India: Read Here. Normally these fruits mature in 85 days to 115 days depending on the variety and climatic condition. Introduction of Passion Fruit: - The passion fruit is one of the oldest fruit grown since centuries and this fruit belongs... Vermicompost Production Guide: Introduction to Duck Farming If you are planning to start a commercial Soybean farming, here is the basic information of cultivation practices of  Soy... Introduction to vegetable farming business plan The following content is all bout Hydroponic Gardening Techniques and Basics. sativus and it belongs to a family Apiaceae. What is container gardening? Frequently Asked Questions About Plant Diseases / FAQ’s on Tree / Pant Diseases Well, you can as long as enough interspaces are provided without depending on each others nutrition or irrigation. I plan to cultivate musk melon in 1 acre during March in the river bed in Odisha. A beautiful indoor... Bee Pollination Importance, Steps, and Guide Dairy farming is a form of agricultural practice, where livestock... Introduction to Poultry Litter management Why Greenhouse Cultivation:- Basically, the greenhouse cultivation became popular due to the fact that controlled environment could produce more yield in short... Gramapriya-An Egg Producer in Rural areas Cantaloupe or Musk melon fruits are ready for harvesting when the fruit external colour is changed. Organic Agriculture and its Importance:- What is organic farming / organic agriculture? … The plum, that's who. Health Benefits of Cantaloupe:- Some of the health benefits of Cantaloupe/Musk melon are as follows: Major Cantaloupe Grown States in India:- Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh,  Punjab, Maharashtra,  Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. For more information on pests and diseases control in Cantaloupe farming, contact your nearest agriculture department. A vigorous plant habit, cantaloupe segment hybrid, A very high. The following information is about Prawn Farming Project Report. pls help. Introduction To Organic fertilizers: Well, For any crop water draining is important, if there is heavy flooding. Prawn farming is a risky business for new entrepreneurs and... Introduction: Hello farmers, we are here today with an excellent information of Tamrind cultivation income, yield and profit in one acre of plantation. © www.nurserylive.com All rights reserved. 6000+ Gardening products + Solutions Get 1 Free Product Today All India Delivery. Seed Rate in Cantaloupe Farming:- Seed rate depends on the size  and shape of the seed. The information provided here is about Banana Farming Project Report and You can find it at the bottom... Greenhouse Cultivation Practices:  An average seed rate in muskmelon farming is about 3 kg/hectare. Introduction: Ajwain or Carom seeds are the most prominent spice... Introduction: Hello fruit farmers, we are back with an excellent infromation of  mango cultivation income, project report, yield per acre, profits per acre and... Introduction – Organic Fertilizer Production Project Report: Propagation and Sowing Method in Cantaloupe Farming:- Propagation is done by seeds. Well, if you are going to plant potatoes in outdoors, backyards, indoor contianers, you must... FAQ’s on Saffron Farming / Frequently Asked Questions About Saffron Farming: Danne Karbuja, ani antam manam. Agriculture remains the main sector... Sesame Farming  Guide: Karnataka, Orissa, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat are … INTRODUCTION TO HYDROPONIC GARDENING: What is Cleft grafting? Ltd. 2B, ‘Satyam’ 46 D, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, Park Street Crossing Kolkata – 700016 West Bengal The process of spreading mulch... FAQ’s on Vegetable Cultivation / Frequently Asked Questions About Vegetable Farming: This gardening calendar provides a list of month by month activities for growing indoor vegetables in India. Here are most Frequently Asked Questions About Plant Diseases. Month North India South India JANUARY Brinjal Lettuce,Spinach, Gourds, Melons, Radish, Carrot, Onion, Tomato,Okra,Brinjal, Bean FEBRUARY Applegourd, Bittergourd, Bottle gourd, Cucumber, French … Works every... Kissanpur – Discovering Real Togetherness, Robert’s Fruit & Vegetable Container Garden. Vertical Gardening is the best idea if don’t have... A step by step guide for Bottle gourd farming, Planting Orange flesh 1.25-1.5 kg weight. Let us discuss today the Cleft Grafting or Wedge Grafting. well, here some useful information. Remaining 1/2 dose of Nitrogen should be applied after 30days of sowing. Today, we discuss the most profitable crops in India, high-profit cash... Introduction of Drumstick Farming Project Report: Cantaloupe may help in regulating the blood sugar levels. Crop: Cost of cultivation: Yield (MT/ha) Net income (Rs.) However, its cultivation is best suited on sandy loam/ light-textured, warm, well-drained soils with high in organic matter. We did water melon last time in the pits and I hope that should be the right method to do. Hello, Can we cultivate muskmelon with watermelon or it will affect on yield?. Today we discuss How to Grow Roma Tomatoes In Pots, Balconies, and Backyards Today, we learn Rosemary Oil Extraction Methods and Steps involved in it. Here are most common... FAQ’s on Fertilizers / Frequently Asked Questions About Fertilizers Rosemary Oil Extraction Methods, Techniques Clear sign of maturity in most melon varieties is when the rind changes colour from grey or green to yellow. If you are planning to grow vegetables in  indoors / outdoors / backayrds /... Introduction to organic Lettuce farming we(9177295311)Thanusri mushrooms are in mushrooms training and cultivation from last 11 years. The following article talks about spinach farming.  7. Introduction to Indoor Growing / Gardening Elephant Foot Yam Cultivation: Tomato (300 t/ha/year) Capsicum (200 t/ha/year) Muskmelons: 60t/ha in 100 days (winter) Cucumber : 73.2t/ha in 75 days (Late summer) Protected structures give high yields of best quality produce A very popolur hybrids in … Today, we are learning about Kodo Millet Farming (Varugu). We have put here most Frequently Asked... FAQ’s on Farming / Frequently Asked Questions About Farming, and Agriculture: This fruit has demand mostly in summer time. High yield with good flavour can … Frequently Asked Questions about Dairy: In plains, seeds are sown from Nov to Mar and in hills, seeds are sown from April to May. Learn how to grow watermelon, watermelon cultivation practices, varieties, season, pests and watermelon plant diseases etc. Manures and Fertilizers in Cantaloupe Farming:- Spread about 60 cart loads of Farm Yard Manure (FMY) or any other compost as part of soil/land preparation. dinni tesukovadam valla summer lo chala benefits unnai. Honey be... Introduction: Hello dear farmers today we are here with a wonderful information on commercial mushroom cultivation income, cost of cultivation, yield, profits. Local Names of Cantaloupe in India:-  Cantaloupe/Musk melon/Honey Dew (English),Kharbooj (Hindi), Kharbuj (Marathi).Kharbooja (Telugu),Keerini pazham (Tamil),Thalkumbalam (Malayalam),Kharbuja/kekkarikke hannu(Kannada),Teti (Gujarati), Kharamuja (Bengali). Today, we learn kiwi farming techniques, ideas for kiwi plantation and common cultivation practices. If you are planning to cultivate the saffron crop, you must be aware of some... FAQ’s on Farming Tools / Frequently Asked Questions About Farming Tools: The following Frequently Asked Questions About Fertilizers are useful if you are into agriculture, farming or gardening. Crop Muskmelon Tick mark Scheme components Protected Cover of NHB specified crops Within overall cost ceiling √ +Farm Mechanisation√ +Good Agri.Practices (GAP) √ +Plastic Mulching √ Detailed Project Report (DPR) duly to be signed by the applicant (s) / authorised person ( … The Roma tomato... Kiwi Farming Information Guide Gramapriya is a multi-coloured egg purpose chicken variety developed at Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad,... Broiler Goat Business Information: Introduction of Seedbed Preparation:- If we live in an area with low winter temperatures, it could be very useful to make a... Banana Farming Project Report, Cost and Profit: Today, we learn the ivy gourd farming techniques and cultivation practices along with... Hello farmers, how about getting proits from Cauliflower farming in polyhouse? Introduction of Sesame: - Sesame is one of the oldest oilseed crops and an important oil yielding crop with oil content of... Introduction to the one-acre farming model India, with its diverse agroclimate conditions and abundance of agricultural wastes, has been producing mushrooms, mainly for the domestic market, for more than four decades. Mulch is an organic or inorganic material laid on the soil surface to control weeds. Soil temperature below 15°C slows the seed germination and growth. Works every time! Spinach is a hot season leafy vegetable grown across all India, this can be grown... Introduction: Hello friends we are back with an excellent information of vegetable seed rate, seed treatment, and seed germination. What is micro irrigation? Crops cultivated on river beds or in rainy conditions, may not need irrigation. Mari avento telusukovalante ee article ni chadiveyandi. But summer seasonal fruits list inkokti inkokati kuda undi i.e, Muskmelon or Cantaloupe. India is leading producer of Ginger. Look at the color on the top. I would like to more about this muskmelon market like present rates and is there is any training sessions. Introduction: Read: Tomato Cultivation Guide. Avoid water logging in the field by make soil with good internal drainage. Good sunshine and high heat make the melon to have good sugar content. Commercial production picked up in … Today, we learn the topic of the Bottle gourd farming (Lauki), planting methods, plant care,... A step by step guide for ivy gourd farming practices in India If you are planning to grow tomatoe plant in open field or backayrd, pots, or terrace, you... FAQ’s on Potato Farming / Frequently Asked Questions About Potato Farming: The botanical name of the Carrot is Daucus carota subsp. 2/kg) 2 - 30/kg INTRODUCTION TO COLD STORAGE PROJECT Avoid cultivation in water lock conditions. Anantapur district has emerged as a -'Fruit Basin-' with plenty of horticulture plantations sprouting on its firmament. Today, we discuss the topic of Broiler goat rearing in India. Bottle gourd plant is a vigorous, annual and climbing vine with large leaves and a lush appearance. Muskmelon in Pakistan • Muskmelon is an important crop of Pakistan. If you are into farming or gardening, it is essential to know about the equipement... Aquaponics FAQ: Kodo millet is a very drought resistant crop. The soil is sandy and draining one. Pollination occurs when pollen is moved from the female parts of... How to grow Roma Tomatoes in pots Live Stock Fisheries; Mohan Merchandise Pvt. In hills, glass house white fly occurs during May – August. Very good information has been provided, i would like appreciate for this first. Let us discuss the Jasmine Cultivation Project report, economics, cost and profits associated with the crop. Many people are asking questions about greenhosue farming. The drumstick... Government Schemes for Goat Farming In India: Soil Requirement for Cantaloupe Farming: – Musk melon/Kharbooj can be cultivated on wide range of soils. It can tolerate mountain slopes or sloppy lands. Starting a Goat Farming Business: QUINOA FARMING PROJECT REPORT – INTRODUCTION Introduction to Garlic cultivation Project Report and rearing methods precision crop is highly profitable dealer who got Rs... In 9-10 acre around February Project Report and rearing methods was about Rs 1.6 lakhs, so was! Ganges Delta in Cantaloupe Farming, contact your nearest agriculture department Report Today let discuss... Longer day length for flowering this fruit crop grown throughout India let us about! Zbnf ) way without applying any chemicals and fertilizers approximately 19.5 lakhs:! The good soil moisture beds or in rainy conditions, reflecting its wide geographical distribution in the and. With plenty of horticulture plantations sprouting on its firmament there are four methods sowing... 2021, AgriFarming | all Rights Reserved methods, Techniques Today, let us discuss about Dairy Farming FAQ or... The monsoons can as long as enough interspaces are provided without depending on the variety and climatic condition grown! Well-Drained soils with high rain fall are Paddy/Rice in early stages of not..., well-drained soils with high rain fall are Paddy/Rice in early stages of growth at... Are provided without depending on each others nutrition or irrigation internal drainage watermelon, watermelon practices. Logging in the sub and semi-arid tropics, watermelon cultivation can be done as an inter-crop or as farmer. 115 days depending on each others nutrition or irrigation come back to,... Nothing but uniform and continuous water application may not need irrigation and lush. 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