Leave in the fridge it’s like eating gummy bears. Make sure it drains well after rainfall and irrigation events. Investigate the soil in the location selected for the date palm. This is a strand of Medjool Dates before being thinned. I came across your post while researching Medjool dates for a protein bites recipe. Six of the eleven are still standing (and producing) in the Yuma date gardens. Rinse the seeds … Wrap the rope around the canopy of leaves and tighten it, causing the fronds to bend upwards into a tidy upright bundle. If your native soil is clay, consider planting the root ball of the large, bare-rooted transplanted date palm slightly higher above grade. Growing Medjool date is a labor intensive process. If your native soil is clay, consider planting the root ball of the large, bare-rooted transplanted date palm slightly higher above grade. Date palms have remarkable tolerance to dry soils as well as those near the ocean and have an alkaline pH. I’m so glad you found this post helpful, Christos!! They’re affectionally referred to as the BIG SIX. They were clumped together and gooey and they had NONE of that plastic, then shrimp shell mouth feel. Great job. Growing well in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 8 through 12, it tolerates light frosts and mild subfreezing temperatures in climates that do not have heavy, wet soils during the chill of winter. "An Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms"; Robert Lee Riffle and Paul Craft; 2003. In Medjool date cultivation, green dates are thinned along the strand so that those remaining have more space around them to grow larger and get better air flow. By removing the majority of the dates, the ones that are left will have enough room to grow to a much larger size. Thanks and greetings from England ‍♀️. Use thick gloves when pruning or working around the data palm's canopy of leaves. Medjool Date Seedling. Great snack2! You can only grow dates in areas that are hot and dry. Remove palm fronds only when then turn brown and dry. Growing Medjool date is a labor intensive process. Step 2 Fill a nursery pot that is at least 6 inches deep with a mixture of fresh sterile potting mix and peat moss. (per Mr.Wonderful on Shark Tank), This was so interesting! You want them to stay in there, for at least a week. Joolies Date farm grows 500 acres of organic medjool dates- that’s nearly 25,000 date palm trees - yes, dates grow on palm trees! LEAVE THEM IN PLASTIC CONTAINER THEY’RE IN, ON KITCHEN SHELF, OUT OF SUNLIGHT. Do you recommend going with pitted or unpitted dates? The most basic way to grow a Medjool date palm is to plant a pit and wait for it to sprout, though this is also the most time-consuming and potentially frustrating method. I have always loved them, maybe a little too much. Find a location in the landscape that will be exposed to as much full sun as possible each day. I have tasted dates from the Middle East that seemed to be soaked in honey. She’s the best! Make sure to tag your recreations: #eatingbirdfood. Subscribe to our list and get your free printable PDF of the 3 Day Clean Eating Meal Plan and Shopping List! Making the hole slightly shallower than the root ball is fine, but no more than 40 percent of the root ball should be above the average soil line at the top of the hole. Dig a hole with a garden shovel or backhoe digger the same depth as the root ball of the purchased Medjool date palm. The Medjool date originated in Morocco. One of the most popular varieties is the Medjool date. Hi Brittany I arrived here after eating some dates and pecan nuts for brekkie with my coffee ☕ this morning and wonderinghow they are harvested? Taken while on a tour of Datepac, where all the Natural Delight dates are packaged. I’ve been buying Medjool dates from Trader Joe’s. Fun fact #5: Medjool dates specifically must be harvested by hand due to how delicate they are, unlike other dates such as deglets. Jul 11, 2017 - Explore Josette Thelian's board "Grow Medjool dates from seeds" on Pinterest. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve linked here from my blog post. I’ll eat them plain or stuffed with nut butter as a snack, but I also use them in both sweet and savory recipes all.the.time. I EAT 3 A DAY. I came across your page whilst researching best handling practices for bringing frozen medjool dates to ambient temperatures while still maintaining the best quality dates. However, in date growing areas, several other varieties can be found. Gently but securely tie-off the strapping so that the fronds remain upright during the planting process. ALDI. Thanks! Do you know where I might purchase it? Making the hole slightly shallower than the root ball is fine, but no more than 40 percent of the root ball should be above the average soil line at the top of the hole. They’re also low in fat and packed with nutrients like potassium (50% more potassium by weight than a banana), copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, niacin, calcium, iron and vitamin K. Medjool dates grown in the Bard Valley are never treated with pesticides. See what I mean about the older ones being taller! Avoid soils that are soggy or constantly moist, as the palm roots will rot readily if wetness lingers around them. Fruit I will. For container-grown plants, slide the palm out of the container and place into the hole. .. soya milk as become intolerant to dairy milk, superb bit of reading, I can feel your love for dates, great! Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Fill the hole to 90 percent and then add water to the hole with a garden hose or series of buckets. There are male and female palms. As with other palm species, Medjool trees can be grown from seed, but the trees will be slow to develop and the gender, and thus fruiting … This berm ensures excellent water drainage. Soil should remain slightly dry to moist, never bone dry or soggy wet. Medjool dates are healthy! More than 90 percent of the dates harvested in the U.S. are grown here. Replace soil around the base of the palm, tamping the soil in firmly to instantly stabilize the palm as more soil is used to fill the hole. Jacob J. Wright became a full-time writer in 2008, with articles appearing on various websites. Thanks for any assistance you might have!! I looked up where dates come from & I found you. Thus, it is an excellent choice for the American Gulf Coast states. Wrap the rope around the canopy of leaves and tighten it, causing the fronds to bend upwards into a tidy upright bundle. Ha Ha!:). Are they safe to eat? THEY ARE SO ADDICTING. In general, cold winters with wet soil conditions are not favorable for date palm survival. I have thought about growing them but have not gotten there yet. For large-sized specimens, a hydraulic lift or other heavy machinery may be employed to hoist the bare-rooted palm up and into the hole. Thank you for your support. Heavy soils should not be packed or tamped as firmly as more friable sandy soils. Thank you for your information on these grapes. Date palms bear a branching flowering structure in the warm of spring and summer that are pollinated by insects and wind, leading to the formation of the renowned fruits. You’ll find real food recipes, meal plans & healthy habits. Continue to water the root ball of the newly transplanted palm for the first growing season. Medjool dates are one of the most popular, known for their large size, soft texture and rich flavor. Considered the king of dates, Medjool dates are found in many areas of the world. Continue to water the root ball of the newly transplanted palm for the first growing season. Step 1, Buy some ripe medjool dates and collect the seeds. Dates will not grow along the coast like most other palm fruit. I have bought 2 of these from a different supplier but no doubt they are the same except for sizes. Take care when planting date palms to choose a location with plenty of space both vertically and horizontally. I just knew that they were natural, healthy and tasted like caramel. The package says to refrigerate after opening, with the result that the dates are really tough to chew. I use them to sweeten almond milk when I make it. Looks like NOW Foods and Nuts.com has some. Thank you. You’re so welcome, Dorothy! I wish you could taste these through the screen. Any spot receiving more than 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine is ideal. I love dates too ♥️ maybe we should date (just kidding) I’m definitely going to try some of your recipe’s especially the date and goats cheese one. Dates are considered a staple food throughout Middle Eastern countries with evidence of cultivation dating back as far as 7000 BC. Under the section “How to Eat Medjool Dates”, you mention a *bourbon date sauce*. Dates are harvested once per year but it is the work done year-round that impacts the success of the harvest -- and, of course, the weather conditions Mother Nature provides. Although not confirmed, it is believed that this tree originated in what is now present-day Iraq. Creating a small berm or moat around the base of the root ball will help retain irrigation water as the palm establishes over the next 6 to 12 months. , I buy mine at. We had date syrup for breakfast, dates in salads, cod with a bourbon date sauce, coconut date rice, stuffed dates, date caramelized crème brûlée and date sweetened cocktails. Is it okay to eat the rest. For long storage it’s best to keep them in your fridge or freezer where they’ll stay fresh and delicious for months! I’m not sure if it’s possible to love them any more than I already did, but I definitely have a greater appreciation now that I’ve seen the whole process from date palm to package. The Medjool date palm variety tolerates and sets fruit in warm, humid climates better than others. We grow our delicious Medjool Dates organically with no chemicals, nothing added, and no preservatives; they are pure naturally sweet Medjool dates! Yellowing fronds are good to retain since the nutrients are drained from the dying fronds and used elsewhere in the plant. Yellowing fronds are good to retain since the nutrients are drained from the dying fronds and used elsewhere in the plant. The water should be changed daily otherwise, nasty mold will start growing in there. These trees can be found in warm regions like California and Florida, but are particularly prolific in the Middle East where the date … Located in the West Bank just west of the Jordan River Valley, sits at a low elevation of 438 meters below sea level with abundant sunshine, low humidity, rich soil, and natural spring water – creating the perfect environment for growing plump delicious medjool dates. I was given these by someone and do not know where they came from. Medjool dates range from brown to black in color and are large in size. , Thank you for your article and recipes I was looking to where these dates came from and I was surprised and your article was very informative and I really enjoyed it thank you very much. Medjool dates have a rich, almost caramel-like taste and a soft, chewy texture whereas regular dates, commonly called Deglet Noor, are usually smaller and have a firm flesh and a sweet, delicate flavor. I am now excited to try dates. Fill the hole to 90 percent and then add water to the hole with a garden hose or series of buckets. Growing them indoors is not practical as they must reach a significant size before flowering and any possibility of yielding fruits. Thank you! The most common date in supermarkets is the Medjool date. I enjoyed your lesson on dates. Definitely plant the palm higher in soils that are heavy, like clay or organic-rich loams. The most basic way to grow a medjool date palm is to plant a pit and wait for it to sprout, though this is also the most time-consuming and potentially frustrating method. Dates are categorized as soft, dry and semidry. All the pretty photos were taken by Cat from Rabbit Food for My Bunny Teeth. Consider your options in plant size. Just opened up package of dates and saw a worm. Set the palm in the hole. Hello thanks for the update sharing more on these. It is a large-growing palm that needs full sun, fertile but well-draining soils and winters that do not get too cold and wet. KEEP ON GROWING !!! Acquire a Medjool data palm from a garden center or specialty palm or fruit nursery in your area. Medjool dates also vary greatly in size, but all Medjools are generally larger than Deglet Noor dates. Set the seeds aside and either eat or discard the date fruit. Whether it’s for my meal plans, my favorite recipes or just because you want to feel good, I’m so happy you’re here. It won’t hurt the plant to snip them off. Date palms will grow very long and sharp thorns or spines along its base, so either plant your trees somewhere away from regular walkways or cut the spines off as they grow. . <– Sounds just like humans. Do you know of dates that are like this? I store mine in the pantry for the most part, but they will last longer in the fridge. Premature cutting of healthy green fronds robs the palm of food and can lead to poorer health, increased susceptibility to pests or diseases and can lead to nutrient deficiencies. They don’t grow naturally in areas that receive lots of rain each year, most of it during the six warmest months, with the water-table at two to six feet. The date palm will prosper if given appropriate amounts of fertilizer in spring and summer when soil temperatures are warmest and root and frond growth is most active. Date palms grow large and are massive and heavy when mature. I’m looking for Medjool date powder, organic if possible. They have a moist texture and a sweet taste. They thrive in mid sun as seedlings as full sun to early burns their leaves. Also add some epsom salts infrequently to promote green leaves. Thank you. This initial watering eliminates air pockets in the soil as compacts the soil particles so the palm rests firmly. They never fully freeze due to the high sugar content. While growing, the date bunches are wrapped in bags to prevent birdies from snacking on them and to keep them from falling to the ground. If the dates have not been processed does that mean the seeds will grow? Date palms are dioecious, meaning they are either male or female in gender. There’s no wrong way to eat a Medjool date and there are a TON of different uses. 4-Ingredient Smoked Salmon Dip with Everything Crackers. What is Collagen and Should You be Taking It? Natural Delights do have a few certified organic date gardens so they do produce and sell organic Medjool dates, however many of the growers already use organic practices they just haven’t gone through the process of getting certified. In nurseries, palms grow about 2 to 3 feet a year. Once that happens growers have to go up and down the trees 12-15 times a year to tend to the dates. This post may include affiliate links. Hi! I am new to buying fresh dates. Determine first if the Medjool date palm is hardy in your region. The medjool is one cultivar; others are the deglet noor, the halawy, and the khoury. Investigate the soil in the location selected for the date palm. In Deglet Noor cultivation, the bottom two-thirds to three-fourths of all fruiting strands, or some entire strands, are cut off. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →. The fruit is DELICIOUS, but the skin is very thin and not a good mouth-feel. All the iphone photos were taken by me. My family loves dates I have not tasted Medjool dates but I am going to.I buy a type of date that says bathed in sunshine and ripened to perfection does this mean cooked or altered in any way? You’ll know the dates are ripe when they are slightly wrinkled or leaking a sticky fluid.Step 2, Clean off the seeds to remove any leftover fruit. That’s why you’ll find them in the produce section at the grocery store. We were lucky enough to harvest and taste fresh dates, straight from the date palm tree. For landscape use, "Medjool" palms are grown on in containers, moving them to larger containers as they grow. Dig a hole with a garden shovel or backhoe digger the same depth as the root ball of the purchased Medjool date palm. Medjool is a cultivar of the date palm, known botanically as Phoenix dactylifera, that produce large, soft flesh and sweet fruits. Only female plants will bear fruits (dates) after pollen from a nearby male date palm fertilizes them. Prepare your Medjool date seeds or pits for planting by soaking them in a bowl or bucket of water for up to seven days before the day of planting. Hello. Medjool dates can be kept in your pantry but they’ll dry out a bit faster. If they become hard you can always soak them in warm water for 10 minutes and they’ll become moist and soft again. Medjool dates, for instance, are considered soft dates. Purchase some ripe medjool dates at a grocery stores and open them up to remove the seeds from the center. Medjool dates are a FRESH FRUIT. Replace soil around the base of the palm, tamping the soil in firmly to instantly stabilize the palm as more soil is used to fill the hole. Your email address will not be published. medjool date seeds ; paper towel; ziploc bag; water; small dish; potting soil; small plastic pots; plastic wrap; So after you enjoy your dates, collect the seeds and place them in a small bowl with some water covering them. Once your fruit starts to set, you will want to thin it out by picking some of the smaller fruits before they ripen. But as I continued to read the article, I became disappointed because I didn’t see a recipe. An elegant palm with an arching canopy of silvery blue-green fronds, the Medjool date palm (Phoenix dacytlifera 'Medjool') is particularly tolerant of warm climates with higher humidity. thanks for the site, I love Medjool dates but did not know how healthy they are, thought they were a dirty little secret pleasure. I’m glad you found this blog post useful, thank you for reading it! Hire professionals to plant and move massive date palms in your landscape. All dates are grown on date palm trees — similar to coconut palm trees. Boy was I educated!!!! Throughout the trip, every meal involved dates! Pitted seems easier, but I don’t know what other considerations there may be. This berm ensures excellent water drainage. Four Medjool dates contain 19% DV for vitamin B-6! Did you know that Medjool dates are 100% fat free? I’m glad you found this post helpful. First time I have ever tasted the Medjool date and I do love dates but these are SOOOOO GOOD. The date palm grows, well, dates in great big clusters just underneath the palm's fronds. Date fruits (dates) are oval-cylindrical, 3 to 7 centimetres (1.2 to 2.8 in) long, and about 2.5 centimetres (0.98 in) in diameter, ranging from bright red to bright yellow in colour, depending on variety. Your email address will not be published. Hi Brittany, THEY STAY PERFECT. . I really enjoyed the article! Medjool dates come from medjool date palm shoots and deglet noor from deglet noor date palm shoots. The large trees need room to grow and spread out the adventitious surface roots that anchor the plant and help it gather surface water. Vitamin B-6 is an essential nutrient for protein metabolism so that your body can build muscle and grow hair and nails. WISH THERE WERE MORE RECIPES USING DATES. The date palm’s male and female flowers are borne on separate plants, which means that for cultivation a stand of female trees must have a male tree nearby. I sailed a lot on the internet, so I find as a tree grown from seed can take up to 8 to 10 years, so I decided to try to … Growing them indoors is not practical as they must reach a significant size before flowering and any possibility of yielding fruits. Are these worms bad for you if accidentally injected? I’m just curious if they spoke about that on your tour of the fields? Maybe one of the best tasting fruits ever — they’re so soft, creamy, rich and delicious. It’s totally fine to eat, but if you don’t like the looks of the white stuff or if you want the date to be softer you can wrap it in a damp paper towel and microwave it for 5 seconds, the date will plump up and the sugar will be absorbed back into the date. Definitely plant the palm higher in soils that are heavy, like clay or organic-rich loams. Most people think of dates as a dried fruit because they’re thinking of the dates you buy in the baking aisle. (Health Benefits of Dates) If you've got the space and a knack for gardening, you can harvest your very own Medjool dates… but it’s going to take some time and more than just one date palm.To produce fruit, you'll need to plant both a male and a female date palm … Hi Katrina! meet brittany Like I said, like chewing a very thin shrimp-tail shell. For container-grown plants, slide the palm out of the container and place into the hole. Are you ready to learn everything there is to know about medjool dates? In order to grow, harvest and enjoy medjool dates, you need to have lots of space and quite the green thumb! Once that process is done, they just sit back and relax for the rest of the year while the females carry the heavy load and produce the fruit. It can take up to 20 years for a sprouted pit to yield a tree that actually bears fruit. All Rights Reserved. We still have several bunches up on the tree that are showing wrinkles and turning lite brown???? As trade developed in this area with the rest of the world, dates were introduced to Southwest Asia, Northern Africa, and Spain. My experience is that dates have a very thin, almost plastic, skin, like a thin shrimp shell. In terms of thawing I would place them in the fridge to thaw completely for the best results. There’s no processing and they’re never physically or chemically dried. I’ve never seen a worm in my dates before! For container-grown plants, slide the palm out … How amazing-It took me 86 years to find out about dates, I guess I never looked them up. Broaden the width of the hole so it is twice that of the palm root ball. My dates expired on March 24, 2020. Thanks Brittany, we have dates on our Medjool date tree however after picking the dates and allowing them to dry naturally, they have not tasted sweet????? Before traveling out to Yum, AZ a to visit the beautiful date gardens, meet the Medjool date growers and harvest fresh dates, I was pretty ignorant about the growing process and didn’t know much about where medjool dates come from. Thanks so much for the informative article on madjool dates. The white stuff you may occasionally see on the outside of a date is the natural sugar crystalizing and making its way to the outside of the date. Wright holds a graduate diploma in environmental horticulture from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and a Master of Science in public horticulture from the University of Delaware. The date in the back is still yellow and not yet ripe, the date in the middle is half ripe while the date in the front is golden brown and perfectly ripe. He has worked professionally at gardens in Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. These are young date palms, the older ones are much taller. Date palms have remarkable tolerance to dry soils as well as those near the ocean and have an alkaline pH. Oh no!! 4 Cut the stalk off once most of the dates have ripened. Dates grow well there and in … They are just so rich and tasty. 11 Medjool date palms were brought from Morocco to Nevada in 1927 and planted in Yuma in the 1940’s. Blessings, Kathy. Would love to see that recipe…, Here, Eating Bird Food simply means eating a wholesome diet focused on real food — without labels. This palm is marginally winter hardy into USDA Zone 7 if the native soils are sandy, well-draining and the winters not wet. Creating a small berm or moat around the base of the root ball will help retain irrigation water as the palm establishes over the next 6 to 12 months. Date palms grow large and are massive and heavy when mature. All true edible date Medjool date palm trees, are desert plants, originally from the Middle East. Broaden the width of the hole so it is twice that of the palm root ball. An elegant palm with an arching canopy of silvery blue-green fronds, the Medjool date palm (Phoenix dacytlifera 'Medjool') is particularly tolerant of warm climates with higher humidity. Also really jealous of your trip out to Yuma in Arizona. Tie a loose knot of an elastic rope or nylon strapping to the fronds of the palm. One serving of Medjool dates contains 12% DV for niacin. Thank you. Loved all your info and can’t wait to try some !!! Learn more about medjool dates — what they are, where and how they’re grown, why they’re healthy and how to use them in both sweet and savory recipes! This palm is marginally winter hardy into USDA Zone 7 if the native soils are sandy, well-draining and the winters not wet. Grow-Jo is a family owned business growing 300 hectares of premium fruits and vegetables such as medjool dates at the lowest point on earth in the Jordan Valley. Hey Donna – As long as the dates don’t have a weird smell to them once you open the package, I would say they’re still fine to use. One night we even had dinner in the date gardens! Date trees typically reach about 21–23 metres (69–75 ft) in height, growing singly or forming a clump with several stems from a single root system. 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