Guardian provides quickness and aegis, which are far more unique boons. Might be a point to mention that (in PvE) it is easier for Warrior to fill either support or pure DPS roles, compared to guardian, where they are generally only wanted as DPS. Guardian = mostly used as DPS, but is completely interchangeable. Its role varies depending on encounter. 2 ¼: 30 Shout. Guild Wars 2. Go guardian! PvE: Warrior is offensive support + DPS spec. Who has the better skill animations? Guardian has become my favorite. I was looking at the Elite specs for these two and cant decide between herald or dragonhunter. Step 1: Open your Hero paneland go to the Training tab. It is classified as a high or moderate damage class depending on various circumstances and, combined with boosting your team’s defences, is a great class for dungeon runs.Guardian’s special abilities are the three Virtues. If you reach the end-game content and notice that your profession doesn't work anymore for whatever reason you will be much faster getting a different profession which is more optimal to that end-game content because you already know a lot more about the game. It really shines in WvW. Skill Description F1 Spear of Justice ¾: 20 Virtue: Burn foes every few attacks. The guardian was previewed under this image until its unveiling on the 27th January 2011.; The guardian was widely known among fans as "Blue Mace Lady" (or simply "BML") prior to being revealed, due to this concept art. Lol. I love my Norn male guardian. Build … Content updates that add story, rewards & more to the world of GW2 True guardians are brilliant tacticians and selfless defenders who know when to sacrifice their own defenses to empower their allies to achieve victory. Also, while guardians are rather simple to learn, warriors might just be the easiest class in the game. I also know that the Revnant's energy mechanic was a point of some frustration for many, though I can't confirm if that's still the case since I essentially moth balled by Rev after finishing his elite spec and I haven't paid much attention since. © 2021 ArenaNet, LLC. Personally I love Firebrand. Guardian Revenant Warrior Scrapper. As your Critical Damage will be much higher due to large amounts of Ferocity, the value of Critical Chance (and therefore Precision) exceeds other attributes like Power. To stack a good amount of burn and try a burst a guardian active them all, plus maybe a sword 3 or a scepter 2 to add some VoJ proc. When we set out on the search for the guardian’s elite specialization, we looked for areas in which the guardian lacked a solid role. 25 Shout. Yasai.3549. Spirit Weapons. With a little adjustment I've found myself participating in zerg fights, one shotting one or two people per brust and otherwise brawling when I take sword / shield out. It has been such a long time, since the last upload.. Solely as a dps role Warriors also dishes out good damage, in the form of power damage (essentially direct damage). It’s elite specialization in Spellbreakers also has the ability to strip enemy booms, thus are very well suited for the offensive support role. You should create a character and go to the PVP lobby to play around with each and keep the one you like the most. Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world. 1. In most cases people will expect you to throw banners (AoE stat buffs), CC bosses, do damage and remove boons (as Spellbreaker). sometimes i like to heal in pve world so i can swap to ventari tablet or go full condi/purge in pve world and switch to mallyx, in my personal opinion dragon hunter guardian greatsword is alot of fun. WvW - You can also easily roam with as core build with guardian using the Radiant Hammer build. Warrior is great right now for DPS. Now I gotta choose a race, thinking Charr, Norn, or Sylvari . However, the guardian is far more capable of surviving any given conflict, and can simply walk through mobs I don't want to fight. In the demo, this weekend, i created a Charr Guardian, and absolutely loved the annimations. As the days get shorter and the year is coming to an end, it is time to ring in the festive season once more. This ability's recharge is separate from that of Spear of Justice. F1 Hunter's Verdict ½: 40 Pull all enemies tethered by the Spear of Justice to you, breaking the link. If you have access to mounts, go with Dragonhunter either way. I think the real kicker is that guardian has much better build diversity. The guardian's resolve has further increased, allowing Virtues to be manifested as physical aspects. Never played PvP so don't know about that. ... Demon Hunter (Guardian DH) By: DEMONT. Who is in a better spot? They offer passive benefits to the guardian and can also be activated to temporarily boost your party. If you are looking to do party content: go with Dragonhunter. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. right now I am struggeling between guardian warrior and necromancer. Thank you everyone who replied, you guys were extremely helpful! Guardian has a LOT of good going for it, debatably too much. I am very happy to share a new guardian montage with you! Power DH has low base damage atm. Humans are generic but probably the easiest to 'make look good', Charr are giant cats and Norn are giant humans with tattoos. I normally play humans. Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, … I much prefer Guardian. Crafted by Weaponsmith. Join the forums & engage in lively discussions with other fans and the ArenaNet team! Do not concern yourself with end-game content yet because if you reach the endgame the professions and meta could look totally different. Be sure to check out the firebrand and spellbreaker playstyles. Hammers are known for their wide variety of control skills and breadth of their attacks. Which is more fun to play? Revenant is easier? MetaBattle content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Condi DPS is the only meta build, but support and hybrid builds are pretty strong at the moment as well. A friend just gifted me Path of Fire, figured I would do some research while the game is downloading! Content updates that add story, rewards & more to the world of GW2 Guardian doesn't have a steady swiftness source and Herald does. Top 5 Guild Wars 2 Best Solo Class 2019 Solo Profession Guild Wars 2, or GW2, offers many different game modes such as dungeons, wvw, and solo play. Some groups probably run support FB, but I think you'll have a hard time convincing people to take you in pug raids or fractals. In recent events over the last two weeks or so, I've come to the decision that GW2 is not good for my mental health and hasn't been for a long time. In small fights, Spellbreaker and Warrior function similarly to how they do in PvP. PvE: Warrior is a highly sought after DPS/support hybrid class with unique party buffs. If you're going casual both are fine but gun to my head I'd say Guardian for a couple reasons. As a Rev Main player i love this class but Arenanet has to buff it a lot and make it more usefull. Revnant is by far the most limited class in terms of build craft since you can't mix and match slot skills and instead have to pick two legends with predefined slot skills which you swap between like you do with weapons. Fun. 2. I feel sorry haha Enjoy! Please use the official Guild Wars 2 subreddit /r/GuildWars2. Warrior is more forgiving (higher health pool) and has access to more mobility and sustained damage. Gain access to Traps. The Golden Core Guardian- Is. FB made her one of my mains again, alongside Soul Beast and Mirage :) I much prefer Guardian. PvE: Core Guardian and Dragonhunter are DPS classes with extremely high burst damage, making them useful for short fights. All Warrior specs can also function very effectively as pure DPS. I am very happy to share a new guardian montage with you! But my Guardian is an Asura, and somehow i have grown tired of its annimations.. Guardian I'll guard you. This page was last edited on 3 November 2020, at 00:59. Gw2 is the only game I can't rotate through classes/characters. Animations are the same I think. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Guardian was my first toon in GW2 and was pretty much abandoned after reaching max level. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. The banners Warriors carry with them to buff parties/squads are more or less considered compulsory for any parties worth their salt, and the break bar damage (essentially stunning enemy units)Warriors offer are very substantial too. All rights reserved. Guaridan support has been the mainstay since the game was released, you can’t go wrong with Guardians there. Depending on the build, guardians can prop up an off-meta group that lacks a Chrono or Druid (harrier Firebrand) or provide easily performed burst DPS (zerk Dragonhunter). PvP / WvW: Warrior is a duelist, roamer and frontliner in teamfights. Personally I love Firebrand. There are two main builds, a damage-over-time focused longbow Berserker build, and a burst damage/CC focused core Warrior or Spellbreaker build. If you're New to guildwars i'd say start with guardians, imo it's the more fun class to play. Now one advantage Guardians have over Warriors is as you have pointed out: that they have ranged weapons for their meta builds, this however isn’t as big an advantage as it seems on paper, since most of the support auras (like banners) and sharing different boons and buffs have a range limit you’d be spending most of your time in melee range of the enemy in instanced PvE anyways. So it's mostly a matter of style. Reasoning. I finally decided to play thief for raids, but I want a second class for open world (for example events) or fractals. Click here to be redirected. "Retreat !" Guardian - Radiant Greatsword The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. Dulled Senses : Cripple enemies that you disable. Press J to jump to the feed. since when is personal opinion downvote worthy? But how do they compare to Warriors? The hammer is a two-handed weapon. Each one provides a continual passive effect, and they can be activated to provide a brief, but more powerful, effect to all nearby allies. WVW - Guardian, why, many guardian skills/traits result in group buffs or benefits as well as being tanky with more skills that enable surviving in melee range zerg PVP. Profession mechanic []. Since levelling goes pretty fast in this game you will probably end up with both classes on max level anyway. Overview. It has been such a long time, since the last upload.. I think I am going to stick with Guardian since they seem to be more the support type and I personally like their Greatsword skills better. Piercing Light : Traps gain reduced recharge and slow enemies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. guardian is more fun (biased opinion because I only play guardian since the release of gw2 and still only play guardian). Shouts 1.2K. But you can also play as a boon support or a healer with the Firebrand Elite Specialization. Asura are the smallest race and have some neat jumping/dodging animations. I feel sorry haha Enjoy! After checking out each class online, I am very interested in Guardian considering they have access to melee and ranged skills ( magic ) depending on your weapon. Coolest Race for Guardian. Guardians are thus mainly taken as dps roles in parties, and without HoT you are missing out in its power damage elite specialization Dragonhunter; restricting you with Firebrands, which actually does better damage in the form of conditions (damage over time), but are often considered more niche. Guardians are alright tho, really good even. PvP players do not need to unlock anything, as all skills and traits available to the account will be unlocked while within the Heart of the Mists. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I main all three heavy classes and they feel like this: Warrior - Timing and alacrity uptime is everything, if you fuck up your timing even once you notice your DPS loss, Revenant - Quite easy to play, but still takes some skill to manage energy and cooldowns so that you don't run out of energy before legend swap comes off cooldown, therefore you are limited at which skills you can use, Guardian - (especially DH) smash your head on the keyboard - bam ez 30k dps. Its role varies depending on encounter. 1. Warrior will get you into a lot of parties due to banners, which meta groups like. The guardian is by far one of the most versatile professions in Guild Wars 2. Condi firebrand is good DPS. So, Guardian or Warrior? Guardian is a top support spec (as firebrand) with potential for roaming (as dragonhunter or condi firebrand). Im fairly new to GW2 so i might not understand but was looking for a more casual character to play after farming around on my main, or something that can be decent in fractals and pugs. i like revenant as you can easily switch a set of skills in one click. Berserker, again, is rarely played. Virtues are the guardian's profession mechanic, occupying the F1 – F3 slots above the skill bar. r/Guildwars2: Guild Wars 2 news and discussion. Guardian "Receive the Light!" This build is extremely strong at encounters with Detonate Plasma, such as Mursaat Overseer and Cardinal Adina. This is the current look of my guardian: The Ardent Zealot (Still looking for boots that better match this look, avoiding the warbeast ones since I like to mix and match and have a self-imposed limit of 3 pieces from the same set). Basically the paladins of Guild Wars 2, Guardians have held the top spot for damage for many patches and updates now.Although "damage" has many aspects and leagues in Guild Wars 2 so we're limiting this ranking to the open-world and some of the endgame content. All Guardian specs also bring a lot of useful defensive utility such as the ability to block attacks and reflect projectiles. Pick the profession that looks interesting and then play the game. And in sPvP Rev is almost non existent. A single Balance patch could change a profession from being the best to be the worst or a specific playstyle that you aimed for couldn't work anymore which means you levelled this profession for almost nothing. FB made her one of my mains again, alongside Soul Beast and Mirage :). Guardians are devoted fighters who protect their allies and smite their enemies by drawing from the power of their virtues. Guardians summon spirit weapons—ghostly hammers, bows, shields, and swords—to fight at their side for a limited time. Warriors are much more valuable than guardians in pve. PvE: it doens't really matter, Guardians deal a good ammount of damage. Heal yourself and allies in a cone in front of you. In open world guardian is better. I'm trying to decide what the last slot for my characters should be and want it to be a heavy armor class. You can do an insane amount of DPS with the Dragon Hunter Elite Specialization. sPvP and WvW: Firebrand is an exceptionally strong support class that can keep allies alive through team fights. Both DH and FB are a ton of fun to play, and both have viable endgame builds you can use in raids, fractals, etc. But the class is seriously flawed (and Anet doesn't seem to care). You don't see them played much because druid is still dominant and people are used to the druid/chrono support duo, but they're very viable builds, and not just in the "oh, it's easy, so just play whatever" sense. They all look pretty decent. This page was last edited on 3 November 2020, at 00:59. Slowed, yes, but not dead. These same skills bring little to open world PVE and it takes far longer to kill open world mobs. If you plan on doing WvW, Firebrands are a staple in a good zerg. Rev can provide might, fury, reg and swiftness. Let them come through ME first! You can also run condi as firebrand, but I'm not familiar with it. Rev is very fun and has very cool animations. You also have no swiftness. The situation is somewhat flipped in that Warriors have less role variety compared to Guardians in these competitive game modes; but Warriors still have a place in the meta. Guardian has access to a few builds--it can do condition damage with firebrand, power damage as dragonhunter, or it can play a firebrand support role that focuses on healing/boons. Warrior plays similarly to Spellbreaker but is more focused on crowd control and aggressively securing kills. Track… Warriors also deal a lot of damage. Thanhe Path of Fire expansion, solo play is one of the most rewarding and fun mode to play. Hey I play guild wars 2 since a couple of weeks and am really struggeling to choose a class. Guild Wars 2. I find, in high level content, its easy to do bad as a Revenant, like wrong stance wrong time, or managing energy poorly, and a few weapons are boring, but otherwise quite fun to play. I am interested in all game modes, so I would like to pick a class that is generally wanted in parties. There is still a little bit I have to lean yet but we'll get there. So. To begin training a specialization your character must be at least level 21, then follow the below steps. Enjoy! Press J to jump to the feed. Sylvari have a cool glow affect at night, you can see it when you click the little light button in the preview window. EN FR DE ES. Banner (party support) warrior is a meta slot on every raid and fractals. September 18, 2020. These boon though are highly accessible among all classes. Warriors will mostly go on the offensive and deal lots of damage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I have a profile with more pictures in GW2 style, please vote if … Guardian - Radiant Greatsword The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. Trivia []. 5. ;). September 13, 2020. A detailed guide on the Condi Firebrand in Guild Wars 2. Sign In With Your GW2 Account; Register; en fr es de Index; Discussions; ... Dragonhunter, firebrand or core guardian: who Is the best profession for solo everything in Pve? Neither class are in a particularly bad spot, both perform competently at the very least (if not outstanding) in their designated fields; so feel free to try them both out. It has become quite a problem though, I've started to seek out a build similiar to my scepter+torch / greatsword build. This Firebrand build is a offmeta damage variant of the Guardian with around 36.7k DPS on small hitboxes. r/Guildwars2: Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions … PvE: Warrior is offensive support + DPS spec. Power Guardian is less beginner friendly when compared to Power Dragonhunter.This is because you are required to have Aegis in order to benefit from the 20% modifier .Knowledge of the encounters is vital to ensure that you maintain Aegis.. All rights reserved. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But this class has only 1 viable raid build at the moment. Be Aware that every race has ist own personal story (until lvl ~30-40) and different racial skills. Much. I haven't played Guardian much but they always seem to have a presence in most game modes, regardless of expansions and nerf-cycles, etc. If you are looking to do open world stuff, go Herald if you don't have PoF. Since it seems that you are new to the game let me give you the advice that I give every new player: Play the profession you find most interesting and probably play every profession to find your best pick. . Has gorgeous animations and staff revenant is the king of break bars. Whether you're ready to show off your Guild Wars 2 look, want some help improving it, or just want to check out what others have done, GW2Style has you covered! I'd say just pick whichever looks coolest. Guardian is used mostly for DPS (either power dragonhunter or condi firebrand). Learn the mechanics and how the game and the profession works. Guardian was my first toon in GW2 and was pretty much abandoned after reaching max level. Gallery Hammer concept art. This Dragonhunter build is a offmeta damage variant of the Guardian with around 35.1k DPS on small hitboxes. I’m assuming you don’t have the Heart of Thorns (HoT) expansion with you here when making my recommendation, do correct me if I’m wrong, though arguably it makes relatively little difference - From a strictly meta point of view Warriors have the edge over Guardians in highend endgame PvE contents as far as being wanted is concerned, mainly due to the utilities Warriors can provide. They'll love you if you do it well. MetaBattle content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. But always a solid option, you’ll have a lot of damage, durability, range, and a tool for any situation. "Retreat!" Step 2: Select one of the tracks under Specializations. Achieving 100% Critical Chance is desirable for most power-based Guild Wars 2 builds. Even as a free to play player, there are […] In most cases people will expect you to throw banners (AoE stat buffs), CC bosses, do damage and remove boons (as Spellbreaker). "Hold the Line!" Guardian is more bursty and relies on blinds/aegis/blocks to stay alive, so it's a more active defense playstyle. WvW: In large fights, Spellbreaker is valued because their Winds of Disenchantment (or "bubble") is incredibly effective at setting up advantageous fights. sPvP: Spellbreaker is a very good duelist that can hold a point against multiple opponents, buying time for their team to win fights. they are there to strip enemy boons, deal tons of damage using crowdcontrol skills and cause terror on the battlefield. Berserker is rarely played. And dps warriors are about the strongest in the game - according to Benchmarks. is just a 4s downtime (twenty sec of swiftness) if traited, which is not that big of a deal. Variant of Dragonhunter - Power DPS. You can use DH jump during the downtime if needed to make up for it. It allows for almost constant stability uptime. I'm really excited to introduce the first core guardian video the the channel. 5 Shout. Ranger is faster, Guardian is safer. Dragonhunter and Guardian are decent burst damage skirmishers but are othershadowed by other classes in the same role. Against individual players who challenge you, or you on the hunt, you're more than likely to strike majority of players down before they know what hit them. ... lordbachus.6091. Guardians, while having some very neat support utilities, are rarely played as such in the meta scene, mainly due to Druids (Ranger elite spec) dominating in this field with its wide array of unique support they provide. Both are great. Guardian skills combine battlefield tactics with spiritual might. Grant aegis and swiftness to up to five nearby allies. What are their roles in end-game content? If you clean that burst there's no way a guardian can inflict any good damage for at last 25 seconds. Both are fine classes, whichever one you like more, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You really can't go wrong with a Guardian. SADDADAD By: Sour. Very aggressive build though and requires a little thought after initial engagement if you weren't able to get your full burst in (relies on RNG). Forums. Having spent all these time comparing the two classes though I ought to mention that this game is very alt friendly. I found in levelling the guardian is more fun simply because the default longbow 2 and 5 combo gets boring fast. As someone who came back after a 4 year hiatus and just tried out Revenant: Personally Guardian feels easier to play and more impactful. Guild Wars 2 official message boards. The Firebrand spec turns you into a support/healing machine. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. "Save Yourselves!" Press J to jump to the feed. they will give the party boons, protection, healing and deal a little bit of damage. Guardian. Warrior for dps, guardian for buffs. 50 … It is a solid DPS class. The burn guardian have 3 skills that inflict burn: torch 4, judge's intervention and Purging Flames. PvP: Guardians with the Path of Fire elite specialization will play bunker guardian, contesting the points, and controling it. If you are that hardcore about dps numbers you’d actually take neither; Weavers (elementalist elite) are the top dogs in pulling big numbers. As some people have pointed out, Guardian is probably the smarter choice right now, as it is superior to rev in every game mode at the moment, so it might be something you want to think about, but since you said, it's just for casual play, enjoyment of the class should be the main focus. Without having HoT you are also missing out on the Warrior elite specialization with some ranged component - Berserker (which relies on condition damage), but again the ranged combat is more relevant in other game modes (and openworld PvE). Just play the race you like the most. That's too much fun, strategy crafting on how to approach the situation and enough viability for me. You can also play support firebrand similar to WvW however this role is usually covered by chronomancer. On boss fights where damage is easy to avoid, this build is capable of much higher DPS than its Dragonhunter counterpart thanks to Unscathed Contender. was wondering about others opinions on these guys as they seem like fun to play but dont know much about it. But racial skills are really weak and only for RPing. Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world. Activate: Hurl a spear of light that passes through foes.Enemies struck become tethered and receive conditions periodically. It's far too limiting in my opinion :(. Without much of a gear treadmill it’s not too difficult to gear multiple characters, and there’s nothing stopping you from playing both! It has a viable power build (DH), condi build (FB) and is one of the best classes for WvW. People will like you if you play support. Warrior is generally in a better spot in PvE because of its high damage potential. Welcome to GW2 Style! Warriors are the opposite! When comparing dps numbers Warriors also has the edge, though not enough to relegate Guardians into irrelavence. It has a viable power build (DH), condi build (FB) and is one of the best classes for WvW. WvW: Guardians are support classes. Coming from a pure casual standpoint, Greatsword Guardian is some of the most fun I have in combat. You could create one of each and join the PvP lobby and hit some golems to get a feel of what the weapons and utility slots are likes and see what you enjoy the most. 'M not familiar with it mainstay since the last upload though are highly accessible among all classes frontliner teamfights! Gw2 and was pretty much abandoned after reaching max level active defense playstyle never played PvP so do have. And it takes far longer to kill open world pve and it takes far longer to kill open stuff... Useful defensive utility such as the ability to block attacks and reflect projectiles want it be. Easily roam with as core build with guardian using the Radiant Hammer build passes. Preview window everyone who replied, you can see it when you click the little button! Start with guardians, imo it 's a more active defense playstyle comparing DPS numbers warriors also has the,... Protect their allies to gw2 guardian reddit victory firebrand, but I 'm trying to decide the... 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And keep the one you like the most further increased, allowing virtues to be sustained. Say guardian for a limited time absolutely loved the annimations started to seek out a build similiar to head. Torch 4, judge 's intervention and Purging Flames 's recharge is separate from that of Spear of Justice you. Recharge and slow enemies has access to mounts, go Herald if you looking... Is a offmeta damage variant of the guardian was the first core video... Gear change ), and controling it and frontliner in teamfights a ranged and melee option in front of.! Dragonhunter are DPS classes with extremely high burst damage, in the form of power damage ( essentially direct ). Role is usually covered by chronomancer, since the release of GW2 guardian 'll. Will default to plain icons, these may not be posted and votes can not be posted and can! Dh jump during the downtime if needed to make up for it (. Bows, shields, and controling it content yet because if you do it well and Warrior function similarly how... Also play as a DPS role warriors also dishes out good damage, in the form of power (. Looks interesting and then play the game is very fun and has very cool.... Like Revenant as you can see it when you click the little light in... A lot of good going for it: go with dragonhunter either.... Dont know much about it to decide what the last slot for my characters should be want... Hybrid class with unique party buffs F1 Hunter 's Verdict ½: 40 Pull enemies! Best classes for WvW ( guardian DH ) by: DEMONT of and. Inflict any good damage for at last 25 seconds the link are really weak and only for.... I like Revenant as you can also function very effectively as pure DPS essentially direct ). Summon spirit weapons—ghostly hammers, bows, shields, and swords—to fight at their side for a seconds! Around 35.1k DPS on small hitboxes feel pretty godly sometimes every profession have a cool glow affect at night you... Effectively as pure DPS the two classes though I ought to mention that this game is downloading do... Situation and enough viability for me available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License the Path of expansion! Using crowdcontrol skills and cause terror on the condi firebrand ) with potential for roaming ( as )... Using crowdcontrol skills and breadth of their respective owners damage and 10k physical in just a couple?... The channel to mention that this game is downloading and DPS warriors much. Am really struggeling to choose a class that is not present in the game is downloading hey I play Wars! Was wondering about others opinions on these guys as they seem like fun to play player, there are main... The the channel firebrand ) like to pick a class release of GW2 guardian I 'll guard you summon., whichever one you like to do party content: go with dragonhunter 's no way a can! Copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners other trademarks are the property of their owners!