But this severity cemented the alliance of religious fanatics with the physical-force party and induced the ordinary citizens to join them, in spite of the punishments which they received when captured. Example Sentences for "cemented "Broken glass had been cemented into the top of the wall to discourage people from trying to climb over it. They can consist of clays, muds, sands or gravels or a mixture of these, often cemented together by iron oxides. In contrast, the patient with a cemented prosthesis is typically permitted to place weight on the limb within a few days of surgery. 23424 Our plans are not yet concrete. That the faith got more than, And with that everyone heard the soldiers standing at the sides cock their rifles, further, Newly informative confined beliefs are similar to a, Although the exact cause of RES is unknown it may be attributed to a disturbance in the special. The subliming apparatus consists of two parts: (I) a hemispherical stoneware basin placed within a closefitting iron one, or an enamelled iron basin, and (2) a hemispherical lead or stoneware lid, or dome, cemented on the top of the basin to prevent leakage. patents-wipo . In the specification of the patent applied for on the list of July 1877 he showed a sketch of an instrument which consisted of a diaphragm, with a small platinum patch in the centre for an electrode, against which a hard point, made of plumbago powder cemented together with india-rubber and vulcanized, was pressed by a long spring, the pressure of the carbon against the platinum disk being adjusted by a straining screw near the base of the spring. His appreciation of Grant, and his sympathy with the chagrin he suffered after this battle, cemented the friendship between the two. 2. The noun cement refers to the binder in concrete which in combination with water forms a paste which solidifies into mortar, which is solid and strong. Need to translate "CEMENTED" from english and use correctly in a sentence? His next few films cemented his position at the top: Independence Day (1996), Men in Black (1997), and Enemy of the State (1998) are among the highest grossing films of the 1990s. cemented carbide tool translation in English-French dictionary. Examples of cemented in a sentence: 1. After the introduction of the body the loculi were closed with the greatest care, either with slabs of marble the whole length of the aperture, or with huge tiles, three being generally employed, cemented together with great exactness so as to prevent the escape of the products of decomposition (fig. Cementation definition is - a process of surrounding a solid with a powder and heating the whole so that the solid is changed by chemical combination with the powder. And that friendship is sweetest which is cemented by congeniality of character. A string of hit movies and television series' followed, and cemented Swayze's talent as an actor. eyeglasses cemented to their faces to distort their vision for up to 12 weeks at a time. Examples of cement in a sentence: 1. The stream was cold and the passage low and gravel floored, with occasional avens containing loosely cemented fill and old flowstone. The newlywed couple hoped that their new baby would further cement their marriage. Cementation definition is - a process of surrounding a solid with a powder and heating the whole so that the solid is changed by chemical combination with the powder. The sandstones have more quartz and glauconite, and are only loosely cemented together by calcite. His loyalty to the tradition of the imperial army was thus announced, and the alliance was cemented between the army and the southern Slays. The traditional loyalty to the emperors, which was cemented by several marriages between the imperial house and the Babenbergs, was, however, departed from by the margrave Leopold II., and by Duke Frederick II. Type: adverb, verb; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; Termium. They must be cemented in place side to side through the wall and ramming cement mix to fill around and above them. Portland cement consumption improved 3.3 percent in June, although year-to-date consumption is down 1.0 percent. Before, however, the new political alliance, thus cemented, could take effect, Clement died, on the 25th of September 1534. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. : one specific embodiment is a cemented triplet Examples of cemented in a sentence: 1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind cemented Stephen Spielberg's reputation as a Hollywood Wunderkind. The cemented list of example sentences with cemented. The martyr lies in the cemetery. Sentence Examples of Concrete Noun. Braces-An orthodontic appliance consisting of brackets cemented to the surface of each tooth and wires of stainless steel or nickel titanium alloy. 2. The couple would later end up on the run, but their love was cemented that day. The close relations that prevailed between the reigning houses of Portugal, Provence and Aragon, cemented by intermarriages, introduced a knowledge of the gay science, but it reached Portugal by many other ways - by the crusaders who came to help in fighting the Moors, by the foreign prelates who occupied Peninsular sees, by the monastic and military orders who founded establishments in Portugal, by the visits of individual singers to court and baronial houses, but chiefly perhaps by the pilgrims who streamed from every country along the Frankish way to the far-famed shrine of Santiago de Compostela. 2. A cover-glass is cemented over the scale to protect it from injury. Bad walls can be cemented and waterproofed. Cement definition is - concrete. someone’s position: position, reputation, status. 2. This succession of melting and freezing, with their accompanying thermal effects, goes on until the two blocks are cemented into one. By now, unity is firmly cemented. What are synonyms for re-cemented? concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement 2. a building material that is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay; used with water and sand or gravel to make concrete and mortar 3. something that hardens to act as adhesive material 4. any of various materials used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth 5. a specialized bony substance covering the root of a tooth. The magnetic needle may be cemented horizontally across the back of a little plane or concave mirror, about or $ in. king of the Scots, as his future queen, had cemented that alliance with the church and with the native English which was the foundation of his greatness. The conglomerate consists of rock fragments, sodium chloride and various sulphates, cemented together by gypsum to form a hard compact mass 6 to 10 ft. The tool durability increases from high speed steel cemented carbide polycrystalline diamond, but that sequence also applies to costs. What are synonyms for cement? It is really a fault zone bounded by two major faults and filled with a well cemented fault breccia. Two spider webs are stretched across the forks, one (t) being cemented in a fine groove cut in the inner fork k, the other (s) in a similar groove cut in the outer fork 1. In the context of All the experiences I went through have cemented my interest in this field., cementing means strengthening or solidifying.. The lime of murder, the viscosity of revenge, After satisfying himself that the porcelain crown was a perfect match in all lighting conditions, Adam, Lining the walls there are 7 foot high, 100 year old wine vats that have been cut in half and, But, even as the rejection of the Quraysh steeled his will, the conversion of the Yathribs into Islam, The aggregates of transition are harder and much more compact, than the secondary; they are also. What is the definition of re-cemented? Simple past tense and past participle of cement. With "Random Winds" (1980), the story of a doctor and the three women who haunt his life, and "Eden Burning" (1982), about a wealthy young woman who endures rape only to become pregnant with her attacker's child, Mrs. retrievable cemented prosthodontic apparatus with hydrostatic pressure relieved abutment post: dispositif prothétique, cimenté, récupérable doté d'un tenon de butée non soumis à la pression hydrostatique It has also cemented relationships with partner groups. Bernstorff was one of the first to recognize the impotence of the French monarchy after the Seven Years' War, and in 1763 he considered it expedient to exchange the French for the Russian alliance, which was cemented by the treaty of the 28th of April (March i I) 1765. Therefore, if one-half of the cemented face of P4 is silvered, it becomes possible to view, side by side, one-half of the image of the solar spectrograph formed by 0 1 and one-half of the image of the stellar spectrograph formed by 02. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. And these—they might be cemented in their places, for all their use to me. b: a powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide, and magnesium oxide burned together in a kiln and finely pulverized and used as an ingredient of mortar and concrete also: any mixture used for a similar purpose Is Canada so far conquered that you can now reduce the term of enlistment? In another form the plumbago powder was worked into a button cemented together with syrup and other substances. David without intention had, in one bold move, Any doors in the lower floors of those partitions are, The series of murders were all connected and Sarah Proud and Brad Friedman merely, Sam began to cry out in agonizing pain for his friend; the tears flowed and everything seemed to be, The stone of ed’Shenale was split by quakes in many places, and the newer stones that had been. cemented meaning: 1. past simple and past participle of cement 2. to put cement on a surface or stick things together…. be cemented and have the same refractive index for one colour, then its effect for that one colour is that of a lens of one piece; by such decomposition of a lens it can be made chromatic or achromatic at will, without altering its spherical effect. How to use cemented in a sentence. Sentence with the word cemented. Hit single "A Decade Under the Influence," as well as a high-profile song on the Spiderman 2 soundtrack, further cemented the band's breakthrough status. Examples of cement in a sentence, how to use it. He blunted the axe trying to cut firewood on a cement pad. An iron bolt (b) cemented into the centre of the inner cup is used for fixing the insulator to the pole or bracket. Should equity orientation be replaced by more balanced portfolios, even if earning an acceptable return from a more balanced portfolio requires leverage? cemented prosthesis is typically permitted to place weight on the limb within a few days of surgery. See more. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Eat It cemented Yankovic's status as a legitimate music star in his own right. The apparatus described in the patent specification is an iron cylinder heated by gas rings below, with a narrower cylinder beneath, through which passes upwards a stout iron cathode rod cemented in place by caustic soda solidified in the narrower vessel. Pink flowers in the blue vase are looking very attractive. hard rockebbles and sand are cemented into hard sedimentary rocks. Johnson has cemented his musical success with near constant touring all over the world, especially in Australia and New Zealand where perhaps his biggest fan base is. any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand, gravel, etc., to form concrete, that are used as a building material. Her mother Jeanne de Valois, visited her in 1331 and further cemented the community of interests between England and Flanders. In the 'fifties, Ray Bradbury published two novels and four collections of short stories that cemented his position in the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. Infinite Jest cemented Wallace's reputation as a major American literary figure. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . Friendships were cemented and energies renewed for the next event to be held in two years time. I know this question sounds vague, please comment if you need additional details. and an approximately achromatic eye-lens, some distance behind it, consisting of an equi-convex crown lens cemented to a concavoplane flint lens, the latter being next to the eye. 100 examples: Religion is still defined as ' any pursuit which dominates the life of many men… Bling bling was further cemented into public consciousness when, in 2003, the Oxford English Dictionary made the word, along with the slang terms "jiggy," "dope," and "phat," official by adding them to the renowned dictionary. Blocks of cement with holes in them served as planters for small trees along the boulevard. The wall was pierced by "the gate of Assur," "the gate of the Sun-god," "the gate of the Tigris," &c., and on the river side was a quay of burnt brick and limestone cemented with bitumen. to cover a surface with cement. 4. Ils ont utilisé la colle liquide pour mettre le détonateur. If valuations matter, shouldn’t value tilts be, The Indian Musalmans might realize that these and many such Quranic injunctions exhorting them not to mix with the Jews, the Christians and the idolaters (poor guys who are denied even a capital I in Islam) are but contextual for they were meant to address Muhammad’s compulsion to keep his meager flock together against their being poached by ‘the others’ in the formative years of Islam! It is formed of sand or fine gravel cemented by infiltrated oxide of iron. Lying under oath, the banker’s untruthfulness was all that was needed to cement his already doomed fate. cemented in French translation and definition "cemented", English-French Dictionary online. Amici chiefly employed cemented pairs of lenses consisting of a plano-convex flint lens and a biconvex crown lens(fig. Her marriage to Clint Buchanan cemented the Buchanan family as a central family alongside the Lords, Cramers and more recently the Vegas and Gannons. The Cemented Bladder. Bonded by cement or a similar substance. Together with sand and stone this forms concrete. Quartz being a mineral very resistant to weathering agencies, it forms the bulk of sands and sandstones; and when the sand grains are cemented together by a later deposit of secondary quartz a rock known as quartzite results. The rings are cemented to the middle of ordinary slides; and it is best to keep a number of them ready prepared. Gunmen guarded home (open, save, copy) suntimes.com. cemented . But if the cemented face of P4 is silvered, From Zeitschr. His father is buried in the cemetery on the hill. What is the meaning of re-cemented? Examples of cements in a sentence: 1. It also cemented the fact that diamonds should be big by hinting that the gentleman should spend three months' salary on the rock. 3. And it is because of studies of the Holocaust, he said, that it is " firmly cemented in American culture, and Armenians have been able to gather their voice, and their texts ." firmly cemented in a sentence - Use "firmly cemented" in a sentence 1. Translations in context of "cemented" in English-German from Reverso Context: cemented carbide Even so, the band had already firmly cemented themselves as pioneers of the crossover thrash movement. The Hero/Heroine and the Antagonist have to be, Stuart) by whose blood your liberties have been, Not angled this time, but set down flat in the floor, and, The connection between the individual investor and corporate finance is, He took a step closer, then stopped and stood still as if, It wasn't the Ice Bank as yet, just huge ice fields, President Quaid’s nationwide address that evening, Gloria willed her body to move, to turn and run away but her feet were, President Harding stirred me toward the Democratic party and President Hoover, Four successive revolutions had built and. Surface water carrying dissolved calcium carbonate has cemented these angular fragments together in many places forming a breccia. He cemented a military monarchy. CM 266518 A concrete … This was treated with compound, and a heavy gage felt covering was cemented all over with a cold mastic. Source: 'Daily Use'. His vision of the ideal state was that of a patriarchial monarchy, surrounded and advised by the traditional estates of the realm - nobles, peasants, burghers - and cemented by the bonds of evangelical religion; but in which there should be no question of the sovereign power being vested in any other hands than those of the king by divine right. Examples of Cement in a sentence. (v) Easy past tight and past participle of concrete. The two cemented their relationship until Mimi discovered she was pregnant. any of various soft, sticky substances that dry hard or stonelike, used especially for mending broken objects or for making things adhere. For this purpose, new cemented carbide compositions, based on extremely fine-grained carbide, have been introduced. Lying under oath, the banker’s untruthfulness was all that was needed to cement his already doomed fate. Examples of Cement in a sentence. How to use cement in a sentence. 2. She caught the nation's attention as the younger sister of Winona Ryder in Mermaids and became a star as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family, but it was her adult roles that cemented Ricci as a serious actress. This federalization of the capital has proved to be a most important factor in binding together the different parts of the confederation, and in promoting the evolution of an Argentine nation out of a loosely cemented union of a number of semi-independent states. In the coastal plain the Comanchean beds are generally not cemented, but consist of gravel, sand and clay, occupying the nearly horizontal position in which they were originally deposited. ENGLISH DICTIONARY; SYNONYMS; TRANSLATE; GRAMMAR . He cemented a military monarchy. 3. But through the intervention of the Spanish ambassador he made peace with Naples in July 1493 and also with the Orsini; the peace was cemented by a marriage between the pope's son Giuffre and Dona Sancha, Ferdinand's grand-daughter. Alexander's election cemented, indeed, once for all, the union between Poland and Lithuania, inasmuch as, on the eve of it (Oct. On the death of John Zapolya, the Austro-Polish alliance was still further cemented by the marriage of Sigismund's son and heir, Sigismund Augustus, with the archduchess Elizabeth. How do you use cement in a sentence? The Beatles cemented Maharishi in pop culture when they traveled to his ashram in India in the late 1960s. He was the inventor of the stage-micrometer, and of a form of heliometer; and in 1816 he succeeded in constructing for the microscope achromatic glasses of long focus, consisting of a single lens, the constituent glasses of which were in juxtaposition, but not cemented together. 34. During this period Frankie should have cemented his comeback with a cameo appearance that would have been seen the world over. While the work cemented his reputation for innovation, it didn’t really increase his sales. The process goes on until a relatively small quantity of water has by instalments dissolved and hydrated the 2CaSO 4 H 2 O, and has deposited CaSO 4.2H 2 O in felted crystals forming a solid mass well cemented together. Even if the object-point on the axis cannot be reproduced quite free from aberration through such a lens, because aberrations of the type of an under-correction have been produced by the first plane outer limiting surface, yet the defects with the strong refraction are relatively small and can be well compensated by other systems. In the galleries are situated the cells, separated from one another by transverse partitions, which are formed of chips of wood, cemented by the saliva of the bee. A cover-glass is cemented over the scale to protect it from injury. 2. For some, membership in a voluntary association has resulted in or cemented lifelong friendships. Any doors in the lower floors of those partitions are cemented in, at least for the first four floors … GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . They occur where the beds are weakly cemented or there is a thin seam of clay. During 1907 and 1908 his premiership was notable for the way in which the new entente with England was cemented, and for the successful part which France played in European politics, in spite of difficulties with Germany and attacks by the Socialist party in connexion with Morocco (see France: History). About 1397 results found using 'CEMENTED'. Many cyclostomes have encrusting colonies, firmly cemented to hard substrates such as rocks and shells. IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. Cement companies Apasco SA and Grupo Cementos Chihuahua SA also fell. The peace of the Pyrenees was a decisive event in his personal history as well as in that of France, for one of its most important stipulations referred to his marriage, He had already been strongly attracted to one of the nieces of Mazarin, but reasons of state triumphed over personal impulse; and it was agreed that the new friendship with Spain should be cemented by the marriage of Louis to his cousin, the Infanta Maria Theresa. A cover-glass is cemented over the scale to protect it from injury. The politician saw his landslide victory as a way to cement … CK 292466 He broke up the concrete block with a hammer. Peace having been further cemented by an alliance between a Kajar general and the princes daughter, the shah returned to Teheran. The newlywed couple hoped that their new baby would further cement their marriage. The soil is of very varying nature, and consists in some districts of the so-called albariza (mainly chalk with some sand and clay), in others of barros, which is mainly sand cemented together with chalk and clay, and of arenas, which consists of nearly pure sand. Example sentences with "cemented-in liner", translation memory. usually dilated and coloured at the apex; the apices are usually cemented together into a definite layer, the epithecium (fig. Braces consist of brackets cemented to the surface of each tooth and wires of stainless steel or nickel titanium alloy. The war gave some heroic traditions to the province, and in special cemented that loyalty to Great Britain for which Ontario has been conspicuous. In the centre, the oblong pyramid of rubble cased with hewn stone and cemented 375 X 300 ft. Plain cemented her reputation as what the Times called "the queen of family-saga writers.". His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens, New York City. - Mixtures of animal, vegetable and mineral substances are employed in great variety in the arts for making joints, mending broken china and other objects, &c. A strong cement for alabaster and marble, which sets in a day, may be prepared by mixing 12 parts of Portland cement, 8 of fine sand and 1 of infusorial earth, and making them into a thick paste with silicate of soda; the object to be cemented need not be heated. thick, and formed of a core of rough rubble cemented together with mortar (containing much coarse gravel) of extraordinary hardness and tenacity, and a facing for the most part of stone - Kentish rag, freestone or ironstone - but occasionally of flints; about 2 ft. Learn more. 1: to unite or make firm by or as if by cement Pebbles were cemented together by clay. The alliance was cemented in July by a military demonstration, of which Jellachich was the hero, at Vienna; as the result of which the government mustered up courage to declare publicly that the basis of the Austrian state was " the recognition of the equal rights of all nationalities.". A subsequent Disney Channel movie has only cemented their reputation as the new heart throb starts for the young teen set. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Company is dedicated to a customer-focused strategy and has cemented its role as a manufacturer of quality machines!, please comment if you need additional details which is cemented by an between. Need to translate `` cemented '' - english-italian … Large chains cemented into hard sedimentary rocks balanced,... The people thrash movement and use correctly in a sentence 1 spend three months ' on! 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