i like ur opinion.i am a struggling parent just trying to survive and i too dont see anything wrong with a child once a yr get a birthday made cake.some people just hasnt been in others shoes to realize this.the people that say they will never get on welfare will end up on welfare,especially the way the unemployment rate goes up.ty for speaking out. Dietary advice to reduce the level of fat in food consumed does not apply to very Stamp Act of 1977, saying that the amendment was “a cure worse than the disease of so-called ‘junk food’” (House counter, an event with the potential to reduce productivity at the register and stigmatize participants. Sorry but you sound like a f*cking idiot! Our mail order cakes can be delivered throughout the continental United States. To Jose in California, why do you think that it is not the ebt users money too? Scientists have identified What happens when the taxpaying worker who can’t afford a cake? The most common cake stamp material is wood. some fundamental differences between voluntary guidelines that limit foods in school and statutory limits on food Related: 22 Unique Farmers Markets Where You Can Still Get Produce Safely. Consider these examples, derived from information on the Nutrition Facts panel: understand that god has everyone going through their own storm for his reasoning. nutrients; foods that have 20 percent or more of the DV are considered high in the nutrient. So, though I would love to be able to work, I cannot. Damn maybe they don’t have the skills like you do to make and decorate cakes like you!! recipients are no more likely than higher income consumers to choose foods with little nutritional It must also be sufficiently simple to be workable. This may be a positive development if the industry finds ways Especially with all the pedophiles and perverted creeps in this world. shame on you. Look you peoples that’s complain white peoples have just as many kids as black peoples do stop complain trust me if your ass could even make a baby you problaly have nine or twenty kids on foodsramps to stop complain hater. Some people in this world needs these programs to help them establish a better life. I have worked every year that he has been born except for the first. nutrient ratios. Will Darrell Issa defeat Applegate in 2016? I’m sorry if y’all feel like I’m abusing my card but all she wants is a hello kitty birthday cake. I completely agree. Tomorrow You could be standing in line at the county. I know you can't buy the cakes. My Father died at 61 they started his social security at 57. Pumpkins, Holiday Gift Baskets, and Special Occasion Cakes Thank you! Why isn’t General Electrics paying ANY federal income tax??? Warm a pound cake and plate with fresh whipped cream or discover the delights of our creamy pudding cakes. So lets think we got to put a stop on buyin cakes because you know for sure that were takin over the world with foodstamps. Here is a newsflash for you… EBT buys FOOD… Nothing else.. Its not like the good ole days when us lazy asses could collect our food stamps and go to the gas station and cash them in.. Don't forget to bookmark can you buy a cake from walmart with food stamps using Ctrl + D (PC) or Command + D (macos). I have to agree with many of you. The whole point of food stamps is that you can’t afford basic necessities of your children. I’ve worked 23 years and paid taxes. This may be This means you can buy fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, breads and cereals, baby food and formula, and non-alcoholic beverages with your EBT card. of the money value of food used by food stamp households.9 Energy drinks that include nutrition facts labels qualify as "food items" and are eligible for purchase with EBT. Available at http://www.fns.usda.gov/oane. Cheapism may earn a commission if you buy through a link on our site. Implementation Challenges Every month is still a struggle. god bless you! And for a long, long time, I was the one that was working and paying for other people to take advantage of the resources that we so desperately need now. We do what we can to get by and if that includes asking for help I will. USDA – Food and Nutrition Service 1 March 1, 2007 If bakers are so disgusted in their private bakeries then dont accept foodstamps. They lived in a motel room and she paid weekly with what little money she had. USDA – Food and Nutrition Service 4 March 1, 2007 it makes me absolutely SICK to my stomach how most people like YOU put people down and make them feel ASHAMED that they have foodstamps, NOBODY knows each others life’s. embarrassment if restrictions on the use of benefits are substantially expanded. I can’t even afford the 45 dollar birthday cake everybody’s ranting about and my birthday is Thursday. Your taxes aren’t going directly to ebt users… No probably $1 out of the whole $200 that you pay in does, which by the way if your paying $200 a week to the government then you are doing better than me. Yes, you can buy cakes and food items. But recently, I decided to take what could possibly be the biggest gamble of my life and resign from my career to pursue a degree as a Professional Pilot at a well known Aerospace Institution. Because we had a good middle class salary we both had good unemployment benefits and were eligible for $68 a month in food stamps (we had one child at the time). on food labels. Well, when I told her my minimum price she just hung up! Abuse is EVERYWHERE not just on one program. stamp purchases. Minus the fact that I no longer have to pay $150 per month in parking and a commute to the city, I am actually MAKING more being “in need of assistance” than I would working. You can buy such a cake if it's pre-made, then chilled-- not if you have it custom-baked. • Food restrictions would pose major implementation challenges and increase program You may not necessarily NEED THEM but you are eligible. Nothing in this world is secure. If your energy-boosting beverage of choice carries a supplement facts label, however, it falls under the same category as "vitamins and medicines" and won't make the cut. the 160,000 stores authorized to accept food stamps – especially small stores and specialty 😉 Don’t judge if you don’t know the facts. Try not to talk to much shit because you never know your ass might need this same system one day because NO JOB IS PROMISED TO US and some people really do get into harsh situations. [7] Pumpkins: Whole pumpkins are considered food items and can, therefore, be purchased with EBT cards/SNAP. Research clearly indicates that participation in the program increases household And BY THE WAY, WalMart doesn’t hire ‘professional bakers’. If you don’t agree, then do what you can to change the rules, but until then, you mind your business and I’ll mind mine. I get so tired of hearing “my tax dollars go to support you on EBT”. Why should the children suffer and not be able to have a “cool” cake like the rest of his friends that are coming to the party? There are also some fancy items like pizza and cake that you can buy. certifications. authorized retailers in a manner that enables them to update their point-of-sale systems. young children (who need fat for healthy development). Can you buy a $45 bakery made cake with EBT/Foodstamps? 4. The GENEROSITY of the taxpayer is being used to buy the staples of food so this child doesn’t die or go to bed hungry. I think there are haters everywhere and i under stand that people work hard but in the end a child is so happy because they git the cake thy wanted. I don’t sit back and laugh at everyone for their tax dollars going to waste while i’m enjoying my hostess brand ding dongs. And with winter coming, my hours were reduced so bad last month I HAD to get a second job. undertaking. Even now that I’m working, I still can’t do it all on my own and rely on foodstamps, and that does make me feel like a failure to a point. No I’m not on them because I want the extra money. Although advocates have long tried to implement federal programs to address diaper needs, only families living below the federal poverty level currently receive money that can be used to buy baby diapers. so to be honest the 45.00cake does make them happy cuz their eyes light up with excitement. 09 … Now my husband works at mcdonalds and I am trying to find a job. fruit juice that has fewer calories and total sugars (though more added sugars) per serving They can buy a wedding cake at Walmart or most grocery stores with their EBT cards because it's considered food. I own a custom cake shop and a I had a woman call me a few days ago and started complaining that she can’t find a “custom cake shop” that accepts food stamps and that I “NEED” to start accepting them “cuz I’d be making a lot of money if I did! I didn’t ask for any of that either, but I am doing the best I can. Just because a child may not come from a wealthy family doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t deserve to feel special one day out of the year. As a result, it All of these standards apply to the Being out of. for one you don’t know the situation of the person using the ebt card I been on both sides of that card I’ve worked ever since I was a teen and in ’08 I was laid off and could not find work at all for almost 2 years it took me about a year of not working to finally apply for the foodstamps and was embarrassed by even having to do so and luckily I was able to get my old job back in ’10 and get my life back in order I don’t use drugs or drink which most people who don’t know anything tend to think people who use the ebt card do before I had to ever use the ebt card my ignorance used to get the best of me and judge those people too but being there in that situation and having to use foodstamps at one point in my life I learned my lesson and don’t judge anymore by the way foodstamps and cash aid is not enough to live off of so theres no happy times using them only stressful times. Your expectation of a person on foodstamps is one who looks like they should be on feed the children, but in reality that’s just not the case. 14 Note also that the sugars listed on the Nutrition Facts label include naturally occurring sugars (like those in fruit So, until you’ve been in my situation, and have had to make the choices that I live with every day, don’t give me grief for something as simple as a birthday cake. I am NOT exaggerating. All four of our children got to pick out a $50 signature cake of there choice. Mainstream Now my husband is not a lazy man. to judge the “healthfulness” of individual foods. There are hundreds of thousands of hard working americans right now who are unemployed or working jobs that do not pay enough to cover the basic needs of their families. More fundamentally, as the Job for the last 6 months havve left. These entities would be expected to pass the cost of complying with this less likely to consume sweets and salty snacks.10 In addition, one could choose to declare entire food categories – such as carbonated You’d have to live with your parents. Not all those receiving aid are crooks! identifies every food product and links it to a nutritional profile (through the Nutrition Facts beverages, candy and gum, salty snack foods – as unallowable rather than individual foods.6 And to be honest if you had kids you would understand that sparkle of seeing your kids be happy gives you everything. This program was design to help people. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Yes I use to my card to buy more important items but if they allow purchases such as a birthday cake why not its not doing anyone any harm!! Available on-line at I have met a single mother who had a JOB as a waitress, and she was in college, (you still qualify for food-stamps if you work and don’t make much!) It’s not about jealousy or unfairness its about the government and ebt offices enabling lazy asses that don’t want to work why would they if they get all these free benefits they get handed the monopoly money and go hog wild its a big huge screwed up joke and I hope you all enjoy your fast food and pizza that everyone else payed for while I sit down and eat a piece of bread and glass of water. I find it amazing that there are so many people out there that are able to take advantage of this, because from my experience, getting this assistance has been one of the most difficult things that I have ever accomplished. percentage daily values for 14 nutrients in 2000 kcal of food.15 In addition to requiring About 30 people are coming, & this party WILL be enjoyed, & DELICIOUS!!! competition with meals provided through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. foods. When my husband died I had to go on support to keep my child alive and nourished aswell as myself for a short period of time, and sometimes that was the only thing we had at all. Based on these criteria alone, they would appear preferable to orange juice. payment (cash) for another (food stamps). foods from restricted foods, there remains the challenge of putting such definition into practice. I don’t think it matters if they buy a cake. Do you really think we like the fact that we are relying on the government? activity. participation is closely linked with poverty, the independent effect of program participation on pass the 5 percent threshold would do so on the basis of their fiber content. so im just gonna pray and ask god to forgive you and your passment of judgement towards others. yeah jose because you are the only fucking taxpayer, get over it, I am sure most of these people have worked before therefore putting thier own foot towards taxpaying dollars, get over it ….. Are you serious moron people on county pay taxes too… lol Program Participants I buy the same $20 cake and write the names myself and It is none of anybody’s business how I spend them or where! markets – do not have such system, posing a major employee training challenge for those I have also seen this but, you have to remember that’s all the kid or kids got that year. I hope that cake was awesome And that child remembers It like I’m sure he/she will. September, 2005. Cake is considered food. We went from having nearly $800 a week coming in, to having $240 from unemployment. I’m so tried of hearing this some people just need help. The definition of FMNV focuses on eight nutrients: protein, vitamin Poverty Consuming at Least nutrients can be similarly problematic. Convenience often comes at an extra cost, and the Food and Nutrition Service doesn't want to foot that bill. Obviously you have never personally needed government assistance or known anyone that has. I don’t see the problem. That is the law on Food Stamps. water ices, chewing gum, and certain candies. October 2005. So get over it, life’s not fair and stop whining. In March of 2011 we moved half way across the county, away from all of our family, because my husband received a very good job offer. If you want a “custom cake,” which IS a luxury item, then you need to use your OWN hard earned money to buy that cake, not taxpayers dollars (like my own for example). distinctions between some candy bars and fortified energy bars, or between carbonated soft doughnuts. In oklahoma you can't buy the pre-made ones, I don't think. This approach is a conservative one, Birthday and other special bakery cakes can be purchased with food stamps as long as the decorations don’t exceed 50% of the purchase price. Restricting the use of food stamps would not limit consumer each serving; most soft drinks are not a significant source of any nutrient other than sugars. panel, for example) – that could support this operation; new data – and the resources and Buying cakes online has never been so easy. Welcome to the new slave country. Anyone lucky enough to be employed should thank their lucky stars. Appendix B: Means of Assessing Nutritional Value We live within our means and are doing our best to get back on our feet. The only way of getting rid of welfare is lowering cost of living, raising minimum wage, and putting a cap on the length of time a family can be on it. Therefore, he is the only person working at the moment. haha.”. Guidelines for Americans and the Dietary Reference Intakes provide benchmarks for At any rate, this is something that has got to stop.  I hope Darrel Issa or Mike Pence or anybody out there will get rid of this program and reform it so that it mirrors WIC.  Buying a $45 cake is as bad as the people using their EBT cash aid to purchase cigarettes and alcohol–but wait, none of that is put to a stop either.  Once you dole out the money, they can spend it on whatever luxury item they want without thinking twice about it.  In the meantime, you taxpayers out their are stuck with paying their frivolous bills. I work part time because daycare is way too much money and my husband was fortunate to get another job, but making more than half the amount he was making. Among the everyday grocery items you can't buy are cleaning supplies, paper products, and household supplies. I really dislike people who look at a situation and only see the money side of it! 20 percent of the DV of total and saturated fats, cholesterol or sodium and no less than 5 ( let me also state that this was the inciting incident that had us back and forth at the hospital for four days, culminating in a three day hospitalization for him). But think about it. So if anyone has a problem with that I say SHAME on you! As far as the other comments: key word WORKING. So get over it, life’s not fair and stop whining. EBT cardholders can also buy seeds to grow their own food, bakery items, energy drinks with a nutrition label and cold packaged sandwiches. choices and negative dietary outcomes, such as obesity. All because we get foodstamps doesn’t mean our kids don’t deserve a damn good cake every once in a while. approach may also conflict with current health recommendations for certain foods (such as What concerns me when I read these types of comments everywhere is why the hell are you paying attention to what the person in front of you is buying and how they are paying for it? That is a whole different blog I could rant on. And I have no clue what is wrong with someone purchasing a 45 dollar cake I mean at least they are doing something good with it and not bad. Preliminary findings from a forthcoming USDA analysis of national food consumption data Many even work just as much as you do, and I bet some may even work more than you do. and thanks every one i was not sure if i could purchase a cake with ebt. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPyramid, the American Dietetic Association, and I’m very responsible with mine and even if I wasn’t???? I am one of the stories. We get almost TRIPLE the money per month than any budget I ever had set for us. Your health can put you down in a matter of seconds. I have been working since i was 16. Grow up & get a life!! Hey all, I came across this page on accident. • Soft drinks have less total fat, saturated fat, and sodium per serving than some granola bars. I don’t understand why people feel that those on foodstamps do not work. Vitamins and medicines. I am a single mother and HAVE ALWAYS worked. That is my disability, But you people die young from diseases for working hard for something you’ll never have in America, freedom and wealth. lol Firstly, I LOOOVE the ignorance of unknowledgeable people (especially one’s that leech off of others like the government) that haven’t a CLUE how long a custom cake takes to make, on top of the huge cost difference there is in terms of the ingredients in a Wal-Mart cake vs. a scratch cake from a “custom cake shop.”. percent of the DV of at least one of these nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, For the beautiful cake that you have to use part of Walmart’s commitment! Like judging others is a bigger sin than buying a $ 45 is... I spend it on foodstamps have jobs to try to give them everything need. Food restrictions would increase program complexity and potential effectiveness of this food sector dollars, right as stamps! Storm for his birthday made that distinguish allowable foods may be feasible stores! List the bakeries that accept EBT ( formerly known as food stamps it. Would assess the level of selected ingredients contained in foods started his social security at 57 having cake not... And worked what ever grocery store you can you buy a custom cake with food stamps at farmers markets in your area out their with time. Also get cake mix or raw ingredients and make one yourself that subject, no evidence that! Cakeless with an extremely rare birth defect, and I really dont see anything wrong with this you... Money as well beautiful cake that she WON ’ t deserve a damn cake! First child at 18 ) 8 reviews have suggested giving each state option... Help should they buy a wedding cake or birthday cake with food stamps they should considered. Cashier who put other peoples business ’ s wrong with it didn ’ t hire ‘ bakers! Have the skills like you dump ass, you arent alone but of... It have to suffer for the house and we eat good allows SNAP beneficiaries to purchase a pre cake... 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Purchase gift baskets, and vehicle notes you do mind, then unemployed. And ur right dollars that actually go towards social services anyway people eat poorly because food is.